Sauna Haruno sucks.

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“Hokage-Sama, I would like to become the caretaker of one Naruto Uzumaki.” Hikaru said bluntly on the morning after he had found Naruto half beaten to death.

Sarutobi lifted surprised eyebrows until his eyebrows narrowed in suspicion.

“How do you know young Naruto-Kun, Hikaru-San?”

Hikaru’s face turned grim until all emotions were cleared off his face instantly. If Sarutobi hadn’t been studying him at the moment, he was sure that he would have missed the pained look that had crossed over the young man’s face.

“I found him getting beaten in an alleyway last night, Hokage-Sama. He’s sleeping in the spare room of my apartment as we speak.”

Sarutobi closed his eyes and took a deep calming breath. “Who were the attackers, and what was Naruto-Kun doing in an alleyway? He was supposed to be at the orphanage.”

“Three drunk villagers, and two chuunin’s. And you didn’t know, Hokage-Sama?”

“Know what?”

“Naruto-Kun was kicked out of the orphanage a few months ago. He’s been living in a cardboard box in the same alleyway he was in last night since then.” Hikaru said casually with barely sustained fury lacing his deep voice.

“What!” Sarutobi yelled as he abruptly stood up and slammed his hands onto the desk, cracking it.

Hikaru flinched back at the loud noise.

“Hokage-Sama, are you all right?” an ANBU member asked as he burst into the office. Everyone could feel the large amount of killing intent leaking off their powerful leader.

“Yes.” Sarutobi snapped before closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose with an irritated growl.

“Hikaru-San, you and me are going to go pay the orphanage a little visit. Now.” Sarutobi yelled to get the shell shocked twelve year old to moving again. Hikaru nodded quickly, adorned his ANBU Phoenix mask and following the Hokage out of the building, down the streets, and into the orphanage.

“Hokage-Sama! Welcome, are you here to visit the young one’s again?” a pink haired woman by the name of Sauna Haruno asked as she straightened out her blouse and walked up to the Hokage with a warm smile. All the kids who had seen the Hokage enter were huddled into small groups and whispering to each other behind their hands. Hikaru smiled at the sight.

Sarutobi nodded and after seeing that all the children were all doing fine and spending a little quality time making jokes with them, Sarutobi finally got down to why he was truly there in the first place.

“Haruno-San, where is young Naruto-Kun? I haven’t seen him; is he here?”

Both Sarutobi and Hikaru saw the rage light up on Sauna’s face before it disappeared into a fake worried filled frown.

“He’s sleeping at the moment, Hokage-Sama. He’s been training to be a ninja for the past few months, and has been training himself until he collapses from exhaustion. Surely you don’t want to wake him?” Sauna asked anxiously as her eyes quickly darted to a room at the end of the hallway.

“Is Naruto’s room in the basement, Sauna-San?’ Hikaru asked beneath his mask.

Sauna looked over at Hikaru and flinched in fear at the mask that he was wearing. When not in the dark, you can see that Hikaru’s mask wasn’t the regular animal ANBU painted mask’s like the rest of the members. His mask was the shape of a Phoenix’s head, yes, but it looked as though the Phoenix’s face was burnt off like it was being reborn again, leaving a tarnished skull painted of charcoal black and red. One of the eyes was a startling blue that looked as though it was glowing, while the other was a deep blood red. Trailing out of the eyes were streaks of red paint that looked as though the Phoenix was crying out blood.

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