Chapter 1

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Beca's P.O.V.

It's been so long… Its like I don't know what life is supposed to be like without all of these deadies walking around, eating people and making more of them. There is a story to how all of this happened and so why don't I just take you back so you can see for yourself...

Flashback 6 years ago

I was in college. Barden University. Funny how I don't remember the names of the people I knew who died, but I do remember the name of my old college.

Anyway, it was right before summer had started that everything happened. We had just won the ICCA Championship, and we were all on our way back to Barden. I remember that all of the Bellas were in our bus, and I had let Jesse come along because I had kissed him after we won.

To this day, I really don't know why I kissed Jesse. I didn't even have feelings for him like that. It wasn't what was supposed to happen. As we were driving back to Barden, I looked around at our team.

Fat Amy was driving, Cynthia Rose was sitting with Denise, seeming to be in an intense conversation, Lilly was reading some kind of torturing methods book, Stacie was playing with her nails, Jesse was sitting next to me, trying to get me to cuddle up to him, and then my eyes landed on Aubrey and Chloe.

Aubrey was grinning from ear-to-ear talking Chloe's ear off, but Chloe seemed to be pretty out of it. All of the sudden, as I was staring at Chloe, her eyes snapped up to mine and I couldn't do anything but stare into her eyes. It seemed like only seconds had passed by when the bus lurched to an abrupt stop, throwing a lot of us against the seat in front of us.

"What the actual fuck, Amy!?" I screamed as soon as my head stopped spinning.

"I'm sorry, someone just ran in front of the bus! I think I ran over the little fucker!" Amy responded, rubbing her forehead where it hit the steering wheel.

"ACA-SCUSE ME?!" Aubrey shouts from the back of the bus.

"Guys, calm down. Let me go check it out, okay?" Jesse calmly states from next to me.

"Oh, my hero." Chloe mumbles deadpanned from next to Aubrey. I shoot her a look and she glares back at me. The fuck did I do to her? I think to myself.

Jesse starts to get up and he tells Amy to open the door. The Bellas, save for Chloe, run up to the window to watch Jesse's movements.

Cynthia Rose manages to pull down one of the windows so we can hear what Jesse is saying. "I don't see anything! Are you sure you hit something?!" Jesse shouts to Amy.

"No, the dent in the bumper is from a fly! Yes, I'm sure you fucking idiot!" Amy yells back.

Jesse walks around the bus, searching for any type of creature that could have caused so much commotion on the bus. As Jesse walks in front of the bus, he looks at Amy through the windshield and yells that he can't find anything.

"I know I hit something…" Amy mutters.

"Maybe it's under the bus?" Stacie whispers from behind me.

"Jesse, check under the bus!" Amy yells down to him.

"Are you crazy? I don't want to look under there!"

"Oh, just do it! It's not like it's going to kill you!" Jesse starts to bend down and as he does his eyes-widen and he starts to back up very slowly.

As he does, we all stare in shock as a figure starts crawling out from under the bus, slowly heading from Jesse. He looks at me, and then the figure advancing on him, knowing that it's in between him and the bus.

"Jesse, run!" I scream.

The figure whips around to face us, and now I understand why Jesse looked so scared. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. The eyes were completely whited out, and there were small sores all over its face, almost like bloody boils.

Jesse starts to run towards the door of the bus while to creature was looking at all of us. As soon as Jesse started to run, it heard his foot falls, and turned its attention back to Jesse, showing incredible speed, it ran to Jesse, tackling him and it looked like it was trying to… Kiss him? No… Eat him.

Jesse starts to scream, and I turn my body towards the door, intending to go out and help Jesse. I take one step and then I feel a pair of arms wrap around me, and pull me back, falling on top of the person restraining me.

Through strained breaths I hear what sounds like Aubrey yelling to Amy, "C-Close the door! Drive, Amy! D-Drive!"

"No! We can't leave him!" I scream, trying to get out of Aubrey's arms, but she remains tight. I hear the door close, and realize then that I can't hear Jesse screaming anymore.

The bus starts up and I feel a bump while Amy yells, "TAKE THAT YOU FUCKING PSYCHO!"

I feel the arms around me relax, and I spring to my feet, resulting in my falling back down as I run into someone. I look up and see a pair of bright blue eyes, only now do I realize that there are tears coming out of these eyes.

As I focus on the rest of her face I see that it's Chloe. She holds out a hand and as I take it, she pulls me up and into a hug, whispering to me, "Becs, I'm so sorry. I-I don't even know what happened… It just started… Taking bites out of his neck… Beca… He's dead."

I let myself fall limp into Chloe's arms as tears racked my body. I sobbed silently into her shoulder. Thirty minutes later, everyone was silent. Even Amy.

Still clutching onto Chloe, I look around and see everyone with swollen eyes,staring at the ground.

I stand up and walk to the center of the bus, staring around at everyone. "So, I think we should discuss what that… Thing was." I say to the Bellas.

"Beca, we don't have to do this, right now." Chloe whispers from next to me. I didn't even realize she had gotten up to stand next to me.

"No. I need to. My guess is zombie. It's logical, right?"

"I thought you didn't like movies." Aubrey says from behind me.

I turn around to face her and say, "Well what's your idea, Ms. I-Know-Every-Thing?"

She stands up to face the Bellas. "I think he's a mental patient."

I couldn't suppress a laugh as I said, "There are zero mental hospitals nearby!"

Cynthia Rose speaks up and says, "What about bath salts? Those crazy ass druggies were bound to do that again."

I looked over at Cynthia Rose and I muttered, "I think a two ton bus going 55 down the highway would have killed it."

"No, because they shot the bitch like four times in the heart and he didn't die."

After this statement, a full blown argument started between Aubrey, Cynthia Rose and most of the other Bellas. I'm standing in between these two listening to how Aubrey thinks the "mental patient" could have ran, or hiked out here, and how Cynthia Rose thinks that the "druggie" was doing drugs out here because it's secluded. I tried telling them to stop fighting, but my voice was too hoarse from crying over the loss of my friend.

"EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Just as Amy looked back and screamed those words, we had a split second of silence, before the bus hit the guardrail and flipped over I don't know how many times before coming to a stop.

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