Chapter 8

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Chloe's P.O.V.

I can hear the thumps get louder as whatever is out there gets closer to the freezer door. My hand reaches for Beca's instinctively and I hold onto her like a lifeline. The thumps stop right out side of the door.

The door handle rattles and I can hear each of the Bellas take a deep breath waiting for the next thing to happen.


"Oi! Guys, you in there?" I can clearly recognize Fat Amy's voice muffled behind the door. Beca shoots up and speeds to the door. She slowly unlocks it and inches it open slightly before Fat Amy barrels through the door before Beca can even open it the rest of the way. Beca quicklyand quietly closes the door and locks it back up before turning around, grabbing Fat Amy's wrist.

"Where were you?" She quietly asks.

"I, erm, I was in the toilet." Fat Amy stutters out. Beca squints her eyes at Fat Amy.

"Then why didn't you hear the gunshot?"

"W-what gunshot?"

As soon as these words fall out of Fat Amy's mouth, Beca steps closer to her so she is only inches away from her face.

"Where the fuck were you?" She growls.

"I-Well-You..." Fat Amy takes a deep breath, "There was a candy shop and I thought it would be okay, but then I saw deadies coming from across the field, and I vertically ran, like, half a mile until I saw Denise and some guy l laying in front of the store, so I figured you all were in here, and everything in the store was gone, and you can travel with all of that, so I knocked on the door and here we are." She let out all in one breath.

Beca's eyes seem to darken before she shoves Fat Amy up against the side wall, saying in almost a whisper, "Don't you ever do that again. You fucking stay with us. Always. Do you understand me?"

Fat Amy feebly nods before Beca backs away, returning to her spot on my left with Aubrey on my right and Stacie next to Aubrey.

"They'll be here soon." Beca mutters just loud enough for us to hear. "I don't know if they can pinpoint the exact store, or if they will just pass through, so we need to keep it to a whisper."

She looks over at Fat Amy and gestures for her to sit next to Cynthia Rose, who is sitting against the left wall. I take a look around and see Lilly on the right side wall, all alone. She doesn't seem to be bothered by it, as she's meditating.

I look back at Beca and I am met with her navy blue eyes. I lean my head on her shoulder and moments later I feel her arms wrap around me. I throw my right arm and snuggle into her side, tracing small patterns into her left hip.


About 10 minutes later, I begin to hear light snoring coming from Beca, Cynthia Rose, and Fat Amy. Soon after that I hear some whispering coming from my right. I lift my head, and turn it to my right to look at Lilly who is doing some yoga poses, so I know it's not her.

My eyes land on Stacie who's looking intently at Aubrey, and then I see Aubrey. I turn my body slightly so I can rest my head on the wall so it looks like I'm sleeping, but I can hear the two Bellas more clearly. I know it's wrong to eavesdrop, but come on, it's Aubrey and Stacie. Plus, Aubrey is my best friend.

"Did you know about Beca?" Aubrey asks.

"You mean, did I know that she's completely in love with Chloe?" Stacie replies, making my stomach flip over about fifty times. "Of course I knew. I'm sure you know about Chloe's feelings?"

"Oh please, she's head over heels in love with the little hobbit."

I blush quite heavily over Aubrey's words. Thank God they can't see me in the dim light.

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