Chapter 2 (ElaineStory127):

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I have no idea how long we were running, but eventually, I decided to slow down and spare the other girl. I didn't know if she'd ever run this hard. I knew I hadn't, but I was running for my life, so A for effort, right? When we finally came to a stop, we were both huffing and puffing and gasping for breath. The blonde girl put her hands on her knees, "," She vowed between breaths. I smiled slightly, still breathing hard myself. I held out my hand, "I'm Sienna."

She took my hand and shook it. "Esther," she stated. After shaking my hand, she wiped hers on her pants leg,"You are REALLY sweating." At that, I had to laugh, and then we were both laughing. We stopped when we heard a slight crack. Suddenly, we were both tense again. "Let's go."

The forest was quiet, but the moment I felt the least bit safe, every seemed to be alive. Not in a good way, mind you. Esther flinched at every creak, and I tensed at every rustle. Finally, we took a short break. "Are you always this intense?" Esther asked me.

I shrugged, "I don't know what I'm usually like."

Confused, she looked over to me, "What do you mean?"

Before I could answer, we both heard a loud crash from behind a tree near us, and then a guy stepped out. Immediately, I lunged for him, grabbing the collar of his shirt and shoving him to the ground. He looked surprised to see me do that, and Esther scampered a distance away. "Who are you?!" I demanded. He raised his hands, "I'm not going to hurt you!"

Even with the situation, Esther still rolled her eyes, but I chose not to react to it. I made the guy stand and pushed him towards a nearby tree, "Let me say this again. Who. Are. You."

"I'm Eric Free. I'm like you." He couldn't speak very well with my hands against his throat, since I let up a little. Esther stepped forward, "What do you mean, like us?" She pushed.

He swallowed,"An experiment. Like you two are."

I let go, shocked. "We're what?"

He rubbed his throat," Experiments. A genetic mutation created by scientists in a lab. You get it, right?"

Esther and I were both stunned, but I spoke up first, "I'm Sienna. And this is Esther."

He nodded. "Did you escape?"

"Yeah. From two idiots who left their posts."

Eric turned his head and held a finger to his lips. For some reason, both Esther and I stayed quiet. His eyes widened and he whispered, "...Run." And we took off yet again. My body was aching and I started to feel burning in my limbs. I must not have run very often, because if I was hurting this early in the run, then I was really out of shape. But the pain grew, and I still didn't mention it. Weirdly, though, I fell to the ground mid-step, writhing in pain. They must've injected me with something. To keep me from running away. Then, I thought that this was it.

I was going to die.

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