Author's note

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I am in fact alive....................yay!!!

But, apparently Jason isn't.........

I don't know what to say to that, and I might need to re-organize my thoughts to find a solution to this problem, I know I might seem cold, but I'm trying to keep my hopes up even though it seems entirely unlikely and ......yeah. Yeah.

 I hope Jason comes back, but at the same time, this book is completely useless right now!!!! It can't happen after the trials of Apollo!!! What do I do?????

Please give me your thoughts and tell me if you guys want this to continue unchanged or not. Also please don't tell me anything about the new book as I have actually not read it and heard this from some pinterest post, I know, terrible way to find out but I know that I'm probably gonna shed a few tears anyway.

Thank you so much for our support!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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