Chapter Ten

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Grace's eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks as her mind sought consciousness. Slowly, she opened her eyes, gazing up at the anxious faces of Lady Rutherford and Lady Bedford above her. And yet, she was not quite seeing them. They appeared indistinct, slightly out of focus. As though she peered through a pair of spectacles not meant for her eyesight. Gradually, the images in front of her began to sharpen as her muddled mind recalled what transpired.

"Oh, dear, I must apologise to Mrs Tyler," she said, trying to raise herself from the chaise longue where Lord Rutherford placed her after her fainting spell.

A pair of gentle, yet firm hands pushed her back down. "Whatever for, my dear girl?" Lady Bedford asked.

"I fear I have ruined dinner, have I not?" Grace asked, completely puzzled. Surely, she has been unconscious for quite some time. Mrs Tyler would certainly be in a flap if the roast beef dries out.

"Oh, dear heavens, no, Porter has not even informed us dinner is served. It has been but five minutes since you fainted," Lady Rutherford said, wearing a distinctly concerned expression. "I fear the activity of today has quite overwhelmed you though."

"I must confess receiving my work in print was a distinct surprise, a pleasant one to be sure. Although, I do not usually succumb to swooning," Grace said, frowning. "I usually have a much sturdier constitution than that."

"Pish, tosh, even those of us with the most robust health do yield occasionally," Lady Bedford, said. "When I first arrived in New South Wales, I found the intense heat quite unmanageable. It caused me to swoon constantly and I consider myself quite hale and hearty."

"Did you become accustomed to it, Aunt Eleanor?" Grace asked eager to hear of her aunts exploits in the penal colony. The circumstances surrounding her unceremonious fainting spell suddenly forgotten.

Lady Bedford assumed a wistful expression as her thoughts returned to the breath-taking scenery in which she took great delight. So far removed from what she knew growing up in England. In recent years, she experienced a life and conditions another lady of her position would have perished from long ago. The government had sent Lady Bedford's husband as an official to the fledgling penal colony of New South Wales, a job he thoroughly enjoyed. She did not deny it was a harsh existence, especially since there were so few women in the early days. But, because she loved her husband, she gladly joined him. As she settled into her new life, she became quite fond of the strange plants and animals she saw. No other place in the world could boast scenery such as that.

She directed a fond smile at her niece. "Oh, yes, child," she said. "But I fear we do not have the time for me to regale you with my adventures. We shall sit down together tomorrow, and I shall tell all."

Grace attempted to conceal her disappointment without success. "Very well, dear aunt," she said, her voice quivering ever so slightly. "I shall just have to be content with that."

"Shall you be well enough to take dinner with us, my dear?" Lady Rutherford asked. "You may have a tray sent up instead."

"Oh, I assure you I am quite recovered, my lady," Grace replied. Although, to convince herself rather than anyone else.

She gracefully rose from the chaise and joined the exodus proceeding toward the dining room. Lord Markham appeared at her side, but she found herself seeking the rather overwhelming figure of Lord Rutherford instead. She dimly recalled falling into his strong arms before striking the floor. How nice to be held in his arms once more. A pity she was unconscious at the time and with an audience. She observed Lady Felicity clinging to his arm ahead of her and felt a pang of longing within her chest. Trying valiantly to push that futile thought out of her mind, she cast a charming smile at Lord Markham.

My Cynical Marquess ~ Lords of Reluctance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now