Chapter Thirteen

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Grace gazed into the blazing fire within the hearth, oblivious to the ceaseless conversation surrounding her. Her troubled mind whirled with possible obstructions to impede her from succeeding in her objective. She paid little attention to the cup of tea placed down with a flourish onto the low table in front of her. It was not until the unseen presence spoke did her rambling thoughts return to the present.

"I am sorry, my thoughts were elsewhere. Would you mind repeating what you said?" she asked, gazing up at Lord Rutherford. His countenance wore its usual unreadable mien, but his eyes held a distinct twinkle of amusement.

He seated himself down opposite her and placed his chin in his hands. "I asked you if you were well. You did not return after your meeting with your uncle and I was worried."

"I assure you I am fine, my lord," she said. Fidgeting under his incisive scrutiny, she gazed down at her hands to avoid his probing regard. Those intense blue eyes saw altogether too much. He would know immediately that she was being less than truthful. "Uncle Edward and I just had a slight misunderstanding, but it has since been resolved."

A disconcerting silence ensued while Nicholas contemplated her statement. "Are you sure that was all it was?" he asked. "You appeared to be quite upset when I saw you flee upstairs."

Startled, she lifted her eyes and met his gaze squarely. She resembled a deer caught in the carriage lamps. Honestly, she would have be a better actress if she were to convince Lord Rutherford that not a thing was amiss. "I required some time alone to collect my thoughts that is all. I shall not deny it did upset me somewhat, but now I have concluded that my uncle is right."

How she wished that the handsome gentleman sitting across from her would leave her alone. To spend time with him was asking for trouble, especially since she would probably never see him again. He stirred feelings within her that she could not even begin to comprehend so mayhap that was a good thing.

"Well, if that is your end of the story, I must let it be. Not that I believe you, but as a rector's daughter you are given to telling the truth."

She gave him an amused smile. "I am no saint sir. I can bend the truth when absolutely necessary." She glanced around her to note Lord Markham and Lady Felicity walking toward them.

"I say, Rutherford, it is quite dreary to be cloistered in the house. Such a pity it had to rain," Lord Markham said, sitting down next to Grace.

Lady Felicity sat demurely next to Lord Rutherford, placing her hand on his arm. "Peter and I have been discussing it at length. We really must think of some amusements to entertain ourselves during our seclusion," she said, coquettishly.

"I too have been thinking about that. Do you have any suggestions?" he asked. Admirably, his countenance concealed his intense dislike for the woman seated next to him.

"Perhaps you have some thoughts. You do have such a quick mind, I am sure you shall be able to think of something suitable," she replied, her voice dripping with treacle.

Nicholas turned to Grace. "What say you, Grace?" he asked, smiling at her. "Do you have any suggestions as to how we may entertain our guests?"

Grace almost smiled at the glance of rancour from Lady Felicity. Although, she was slightly bewildered as well. Why did he say our guests, instead of his? They were not hers, she had not a thing to do with anything at Rutherford Court. She was just a guest herself, nothing more. But it did please her that he asked. Obviously, that lady did not appreciate Lord Rutherford asking Grace's opinion instead of hers. But she was the one to ask him. If he chose to ask Grace, well it was not her fault.

My Cynical Marquess ~ Lords of Reluctance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now