Chapter Sixteen

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Porter gasped in horror when Nicholas strode into the house with his fragile burden. "My lord, what happened?"

"Summon Lady Bedford and my mother to Miss Preston's room immediately. Have them join me. I have already sent for the doctor, he should be here presently."

"At once, my lord." The butler marched off to seek out Lady Bedford and Lady Rutherford.

Nicholas ran up the stairs, not pausing until he reached her room. He managed to turn the knob, and then kick the door open. Grace looked so pale, so fragile. He gently placed her on the vast bed, feeling utterly helpless. He took of her riding hat, tossing it aside. Then he undid the top button of her riding habit. "My darling, speak to me."

Lady Bedford must have sped upstairs on winged feet. "What happened to the dear girl?" As she spoke, she began to remove the riding habit jacket from Grace's limp body, all the while clucking and fussing.

"We heard a sharp crack, her horse bolted, and she fell off. It was not until I got to her that I realised she had been shot." Nicholas was aware that he had to leave, yet he did not want to in the least.

"What has happened?" Lady Rutherford demanded as she whirled around the door into the room. "Goodness, poor darling girl. Nicholas, Porter could not tell me a thing. How did this happen?" She joined Lady Bedford by the bed, assisting her with the cumbersome riding habit.

"She was shot and unconscious." The horror that had hit him earlier returned. "I had best leave. Whether accident or deliberate, whoever did this is sure to swing." It was difficult to leave but leave he must.

Pausing in his room to change out of his dirty clothes, he donned clean ones with haste. Once dressed, he left the room. He tarried outside of Grace's chambers but did not attempt to enter. Whoever nearly killed his beloved had to pay.

Nicholas tore down the stairs but was stopped in the entry by Lord Markham and Lady Felicity. "Rutherford, what has happened? Porter said you carried Miss Preston in bleeding and unconscious." They stood right in front of him, preventing him from sending a groom for the constable.

He explained a brief account in his desire to be gone. "Now, I must send for the constable."

At his explanation Lady Felicity gasped, her hand fluttering up to her throat in feigned concern. "Do you think it was deliberate?" She gripped Lord Markham's arm to steady herself. "Whoever it was could have shot you, dear Nicholas."

"I had thought of that. Now if you would excuse me." Nicholas was not at all concerned about himself. He was sure that he was not the target. It had to be Grace, especially after the confrontation with the squire. The squire, it had to be. It was just too coincidental. They did not stop him when he headed outside.

He went out through the ground floor door, heading for the stables. On the way, he thought about what Lady Felicity had said. She had shown not one ounce of concern for Grace. It was decidedly odd. He knew she did not like her, but to wish her harm. It was unthinkable.

At the stables, he found a groom and relayed his request for the constable to arrive immediately. Turning away from the stables, Nicholas walked back to the house. His mind whirled with possibilities, but he always came back to the same conclusion. Although, it could have been a stray shot from a hunter's rifle. He had nearly lost his love and he vowed whoever it was would pay and pay dearly.

He got back just in time to see Lady Rutherford hurrying down the stairs. She came up to him and patted him on the arm. "Grace is restless, which is a good sign. We checked her wound and it appears as though it is just a scratch. And as far as we can tell, she does not have any broken bones from the fall either."

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