Chapter Twelve

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Lady Bedford arose gracefully from the chaise and advanced toward Nicholas. Her bearing was majestically regal. "Lord Rutherford, have you perchance become acquainted with my eldest brother, Edward, the Earl of Denby?"

"I believe we have been introduced, Lady Bedford," he said. Not even a flicker of an eyelash revealed his animosity toward the gentleman now shaking his hand. He introduced each of the newcomers to the drawing room to the earl with enthusiasm he did not feel.

When it came to Grace's turn, she dipped a low curtsy that was worthy of attendance to the royal court and said. "Lord Denby, a pleasure to see you again. It has been quite some time." Her expression held deceptive docility, but her eyes flashed with hostility. One her father would have noted immediately and had him heading for his library for the duration. However, Lord Denby did not know his niece as well as that, so he placed his arm around her shoulders, paying no heed as she stiffened at his touch.

"Such formality, Uncle Edward, if you please," he said. "I wish to become better acquainted with my niece. I wish to speak with you a little bit later, my dear."

She nodded her head, almost imperceptibly. "Yes, sir," she said. At his admonishing look, she amended. "Yes, Uncle Edward."

She glanced up into his face and almost lost her resolve to detest this man. The man that could so easily have rescued her from the hardships she had to endure since her parents died. So much like her father, he appeared. The dark violet eyes glimmered with fondness as he gazed down into her face, just as her father was wont to do. They seemed a Preston trait. He had the same chocolate brown hair and his skin held the passage of time much better than men of similar age did. Only a few deep-set wrinkles marred the area around his eyes and corners of his mouth, which now turned up into a smile.

"If you do not mind, Denby," Lord Rutherford said. His face its usual unreadable mien. "I am persuaded Miss Preston would wish to refresh herself from her vigorous ride this morning. Please, do stay for luncheon. You may talk after that if you wish." He glanced out the window now streaked with torrents of water that began to fall. "You are more than welcome to stay a couple of days as well. Just until the roads dry out, once they are wet, they are quite unpassable."

"Thank you, Rutherford, I do apologise for arriving unannounced," Lord Denby replied. "But, once I heard my sister had returned from her time in the new colony and was here, I had to come and see her. And now I find my niece in residence as well. It has turned into quite a prodigious journey for me."

"Miss Preston has been of great assistance to my mother while here. I do not know what she shall do without her," Lord Rutherford said, he smiled warmly at Grace, noting with glee her pink cheeks. "She has turned out to be a godsend."

"Come, my dear," Lady Bedford said. "I shall summon Annabelle and she may assist you to ready yourself for luncheon." She clasped Grace's arm to guide her from the room. Grace directed a grateful look at her as they began to move toward the door. The less time she had to spend with her uncle, the better she liked it. Although, something worried her about his wanting to become better acquainted with her. Could he be offering an apology? Grace dismissed this rather unlikely notion, for members of the peerage never apologised for anything. They considered themselves always correct. The fact Lord Rutherford did just that, she conveniently forgot.

The sound of Lord Rutherford's deep, rich tones stopped them. "No need to summon Annabelle, Lady Bedford," he said. "I have organised a maid to be assigned to her for the duration of her stay. She is waiting in her room as we speak."

"Thank you, Lord Rutherford," Grace stammered. "That is very kind of you." She wondered when he had time to organise a maid for her in such a short amount of time. She bobbed a curtsy to his lordship in appreciation.

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