Chapter Eleven

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As Nicholas strode into the breakfast room the next morning, he found Grace and Lord Markham seated at the table and chatting quite amiably. It annoyed him to see them together and now he knew why. But he had better push that thought out of his mind. Not a thing could come of that score. No matter how he might wish, it was different for a prominent member of the peerage.

As he selected his breakfast from the sideboard, he had the opportunity to observe Grace without her knowing. Obviously, she had already dressed for her ride that morning for she was wearing quite a fetching habit of royal blue embellished with black braid. The crisp, white cambric of her habit shirt had a ruffle peeking out from underneath her buttoned royal blue jacket. Unfortunately, he could not see the rest of her ensemble. But, from what he could see, he knew she would look magnificent sitting on top of the magnificent mare he had selected for her to ride.

He succeeded in banishing that rather alluring image out of his mind and sat down at the table on the other side of her. "You are in fine looks this morning, Grace," he said. "Ready for our ride I see."

"Yes, thank you, Lord Rutherford," she said, her eyes shining with pleasure. "It has been ever so long since I have ridden, and I must confess I am quite looking forward to it." She took a dainty bite of her toast, followed by a sip of her tea.

He smiled at the obvious joy she presented. Such an unpretentious young woman she was. How could he even consider sending her packing? He must have been out of his mind.

"Let us hope that Lady Felicity graces us with her presence before luncheon," Lord Markham said with a grin. "Otherwise it shall be too late to depart."

"Oh, Lord Markham, do not say such a thing," Grace said. "I shall be devastated if we do not go."

"Do not worry, my dear," Lord Rutherford said. "I shall send a maid up to her room to remind her of the time we depart." He leaned closer to her to continue. "Although, it is not advisable to rush a lady of quality with her preparations for the day, to do so is tantamount to suicide." He gave a dramatic shudder, which caused her to chuckle.

"Just as well I am not a lady of quality then, is it not?" she asked, smiling at him.

"Oh, but that is where you are wrong, dear lady," Lord Markham said, glancing at her with an unholy gleam in his eye. "You are very much a lady of quality."

"If you continue to flatter me, sir," Grace said. "I shall not be surprised if my bonnet becomes too tight."

Nicholas gave his oldest friend a vexed look. One that told Markham that he should not encroach on what Nicholas considered his. He felt the strongest desire to bloody his friend's nose. The fact that she was not, he disregarded for the moment.

A rustling of skirts alerted them to another presence in the room. "What is this about your bonnet becoming too tight?" Lady Bedford asked, gliding in wearing her customary grey, with Lady Rutherford close behind wearing burgundy silk. They selected what they wanted to break their fast from the sideboard and joined the trio at the table.

"If I continue to be flattered so lavishly, my bonnet shall become too tight, dear aunt," Grace said with a chuckle.

"Nonsense, you are too sensible by half," she said, smiling at her beloved niece. "Oh, good, I see that you are ready for your ride." She turned toward Lord Rutherford before continuing. "I do hope you have selected a gentle mount for Grace? She has not ridden in quite some time and I would not want her to come to any harm."

"I assure you, Lady Bedford, the small mount I have selected is quite easy for her to handle. She is one of the best in my stable. I shall look after her," he replied. "Now, if you shall excuse me, I must arrange the saddling of the horses. We are leaving as soon as we may be ready." He reluctantly rose from the table and left the room.

My Cynical Marquess ~ Lords of Reluctance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now