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Hey guys Elementa here, this is my second fanfic and after much debate I decided to do a Karma x Nagisa (Karmagisa) BL(Boys Love). But before I can start telling you the story I need to tell you base of the story and what has and hasn't happened in my version of the Assassination Classroom world.

Disclaimer: In no way do I own or claim to own Assassination Classroom that honour belongs to Yūsei Matsui the creator of this amazing series. This fanfiction is my own take, a parody if you please, of the world of Assassination Classroom and is in no way canon. Thank you!

Anyways the story takes place before the ending (not necessarily just before). In this world Nagisa's mother is much more abusive and the redemption episode never happened, in other words she is crazy, manipulative, mentally and physically abusive, and gets triggered when Nagisa does anything that she believes is against her wishes and desires on him as well as if Nagisa denies in any way of being a girl as she has convinced herself that is the case. (YOU'VE BEEN WARNED) Also note that the stand off between Takaoka and Nagisa has happened but not the Island incident and during the swimming episode Nagisa didn't have any visible wounds at the time as they had healed from the mother's last "episode". Note also that Nagisa's father has completely disconnected himself from Nagisa and his mother thus Nagisa doesn't know anything about his whereabouts. That is all the basics you need to know, Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the story. 

Note: The cover is not the final product, so I'll be working on a digital version of my painting for a better cover!

Happy Holidays!

Evolution into What Lies Hidden Within (Karmagisa)Where stories live. Discover now