Chapter 3: Demon Mijikana, Zenaku

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Karma P.O.V

I woke up my body still felt pretty hot but at least now it's lowered to a more bearable temperature. My vision is slightly blurry but soon clears up I look around, seems like I've been taken to the infirmary room. I take off the ice pack from my forehead that seemed to have completely melted as I got up from the bed.

Nagisa P.O.V

Koro-sensei left Karma alone in the infirmary room to let him rest while we all returned to class.

"Hey Reiketsuna do you have any idea what happened to Karma back there?" I asked through my thoughts

"Yesss I think I know exactly what happened to your friend remember that friend I told you about?"

"Yes what about him?...Wait! Are you saying that Karma is...?!"

"Yesss it appearsss your crusssh is the dessstined hossst of my clossse friend Zenaku, fortunately he'll only go through the metamorphossssisss a few hourssss after making contact with hisss hossst like you did with me."

"Will you quit that *blushing*! Anyways you said that hosts see other hosts right? Does that mean Karma will be able to see you once he goes through the metamorphosis?"

"That would usssually be the cassse but sssince I am a sssnake type Mijikana I can hide myssself from him if you want but he will eventually find out as I cannot hide from other Mijikana. Fortunately for you Zenaku is not only ssssmart but enjoysss playing with otherssss like playthingssss and I doubt that would exclude hisss hossst. He can tell when I am hiding myssself ssso I think he'll catch on pretty quickly the ssssituation and keep it quiet until Karma findsss out on hisss own asss whenever you ussse your abilitiesss he will be able to sssee your new assspectsss for a sssplit sssecond."

"Well that's better than nothing, at least it'll give me more time to be comfortable with not only you but the prospect of Karma confronting me about it. What is your friend like anyways?"

"Well dessspite his muscular demeanour he's incredibly intelligent, although he isssn't the bessst when it comesss to ssstealth asss he likesss ssshowing boating quite a lot. Alssso hisss persssonality issss... well let'sss jussst sssay he can be quite sssadissstic at timesss sssometimesss in the mossst unusssaual waysss." He said in a very discouraged tone

So it seems Zenaku has the same personality as Karma does, how did I get the feeling that would be the case. I sighed slightly nervous of how Karma might be even more troublesome given his habits that usually cause others to question his state of mind.

"One lassst thing about Zenaku, he hasss difficulty controlling hisss urgesss."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You'll sssee."

Karma P.O.V

I lay on the bed looking at the ceiling, "did that really happen?" I ask myself, I look to the side to see the time, well school is finishing in 2 minutes no point in going to class now. I decide to at least go wait outside the classroom for Nagisa. I head to the classroom, as Koro-sensei dismissed the class to my surprise Nagisa was the first one out only to stop dead in his tracks upon seeing me.

"Woah there Nagisa what's the rush? Worried about someone?" I said with a smirk as he gives me an adorable pout and turns to face the opposite direction.

" N-no I wasn't let's just go." I smiled

We head to my place upon which we arrive to the phone ringing up a storm, probably my parents.

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