Chapter 4: Secret Revealed

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Nagisa P.O.V

I woke up completely dazed, my memory of what happened last night. "What the hell happened?" I get up from the bed, "Hey Rei do you know what happened last night?"

"Assss a matter of fact I do, let me refresssh your memory" Suddenly images began flashing in my head; I remember everything. I felt my entire face go red, as I remembered every minute detail, including the feeling of Karma's tongue against my own when we kissed. How embarrassing, at least he didn't do anything. Although deep inside I actually wished he had; snap ou of it Nagisa don't let your feelings get the best of you I just need to be patient. I looked over at Karma, who was sleeping in his bed vertically while in a funny position, I giggled. I went to my suitcase and began to change.

Karma P.O.V

I slowly woke up from sleep, what a night yesterday. I rubbed my eyes until my vision was clear, only to see Nagisa partially naked. I couldn't deny I did take my time to take a mental image of Nagisa's hot adorable body.

"Karma!!!" I giggled as Nagisa finally realised I was staring at me, his face had gone completely red I couldn't help but laugh. "Shut up Karma! It's not funny!" He said as he a threw a pillow into my face.

"Ok ok I get it, but I'm not going to apologize I don't regret what I did." He gave me a large pout, and finished getting changed.

"Hurry up and get changed I'm going to start breakfast." He said as he through one of my shirts into my face and stepped out of the room.


*Time skip, through the power of destroying all the ignorant people in the world (I wish)*

Nagisa P.O.V

We both entered class, I took my seat while Karma leaned on a desk and we started a random conversation, something about the upcoming mid-term.

"Hey Nagisa, Karma how you feeling? Especially after those freak incidents you both had."

"Thanks for asking but we're both feeling great, ..." Karma nodded in agreement.

"Hey Nagisa you mind talking with me alone, somewhere private." I nodded and followed him out of the class.

"What is it Karma?"

"Nagisa I get the feeling your hiding something from me again, I thought we promised no more hiding secrets from each other anymore." I looked down "Nagisa are you a host?" I thought so I always knew he would, but never expected this quickly. I sighed

"Yes. I'm sorry Karma I know you're a host as well but this time it was different I didn't want you know yet because I wasn't ready I wouldn't have known what to say. I promise you I would've told you as soon as I was ready." I lowered my head bracing for the worst; suddenly I felt a warm hand gently patting my head. I look up to see Karma hand gently petting my hair, he gave a gentle smile towards me.

"I understand, honestly I'm more concerned when you hide when your in trouble/pain," he said with a sigh of relief, "Anyways since you've already met my Mijikana could meet yours?"

"Um, of course Reiketsuna."

"Hello there nice to meet you Karma, nice sssseeing you again Zenaku."

"Likewise, so seems your Mijikana is the close friend Zenaku mentioned; a snake how appropriate."

"Your one to talk with your demon!"

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