Chapter 6: Efforts Reward

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3rd Person P.O.V

   The next day everyone was starting to notice something peculiar about Karma and Nagisa today.
      "Hey guys you notice something different about Karma and Nagisa this morning?"
      "You mean besides the fact they're clearly happier than usual?"
      "Personally I think Nagisa looks more nervous than anything else but it d a bitoes seem he is more cheerful today."
      "Wait! Do you think...?" Kayano looked to her classmates with her face leit up. Rio gav a smile.
      "I think Kayano's got it."
      "Wait what do you mean?" Everyone else said confused
      "Remember what I suggested to them yesterday." Everyone's face lit up finally understanding what was going on.
      "Rio!? What are you doing?" Sugino said as Rio walked towards Karma.
      "Come on guys no way am I missing this opportunity." Everyone sighed as Rio proceeded to Karma at his desk daydreaming.
      "Hey Karma!"
      "Hey Rio, what is it?" Karma said leaning on his chair
      "So is there anything that happened today? Like I don't know say something like a date between you and Nagisa?!" Karma stumbles causing him to lose balance almost falling from his chair. Rio saw Karma's face completely flustered as kept his head down, confirming her suspicion. She turned to her classmates with a big thumbs up, everyone got excited.

Nagisa P.O.V

   I'm going out on a date with Karma, I'm going on a date with Karma!!! I'm still freaking out. Honestly I always thought Karma was out of my league so I was happy with at least being his best friend but I can't deny I've always wished for more. To think my fondest fantasies would come to pass.
      "Hey Nagisa!"
      "Ahh!" I jumped in surprise, I looked up to see all the girls surrounding my desk.
      "Rio! Don't scare me like that!"
      "Sorry Nagisa...soooo is it true?"
      "Is it true what??" I said confused
      "Is it true Karma asked you out?" My eyes widened as I felt my cheeks heat up, all the girls squealed.
      "We knew it!!" How embarrassing I buried my head into my hands trying to ignore the entire situation, that was until I felt a familiar warmth on my shoulder.
      "Will you girls quit messing with him there is only so much Nagisa can take?" ~Thanks Karma~
      ~No problem~
      "*Koro laugh* Ok class I know we are all excited about this new development but it's about time we start class." All the girls turned to around to see Koro-sensei standing behind them.
      "Yes sensei" everyone said as they all went to their desks.
      "Okay class as you all know since we beat A class in our friendly competition we'll be heading to Okinawa Island next week so I'll ask of you all to start preparing this week, understood?" Everyone nodded

*Time skip to after class*

   After class I began to gather my books but just as I finished I someone tap my shoulder.
      "Oh Rio! Umm explain?" I pointed at the bag she was holding with a white to blue gradient short dress inside along with what seemed like other girly accessories.
      "Well since your going out with Karma we thought you should look your best." My face went red
      "No way, absolutely not, there's no way in hell I'm going to wear that!"

Karma P.O.V

   I was waiting outside for Nagisa since class had ended but 20 minutes passed and Nagisa still wasn't out yet. I back down on my phone,
      "Guys! This is embarrassing!" Isn't that Nagisa's voice? Just as I look up to see Nagisa my heart rate immediately increases and I feel my face heat up! Nagisa is wearing a white to blue dress with his hair down with a white bow sitting to the side of his head; he was even a pair of white dress sandals.
      "N-Nagisa!!" His face had gone red despite his scales covering a part of his face. I took a deep breath to calm down, then I... took a photo of Nagisa quickly uploading it my main hard drive.
      "To late I've already uploaded it to all my electronic devices and set it as my wallpaper." I said with a smug face, Nagisa pouted and rushed towards me trying to grab hold of my phone that was just out of his reach.
      "Gimme that!"
      "No how about..." taking advantage of his close proximity I grab hold of him to get him into an embrace, I bring face to his ear and whispered directly into it "we get to that date?"  I could feel Nagisa's temperature go up so just to finish him off I decide to give him a little play bite on the ear
      "Ahh!" Seems he enjoyed that, Nagisa quickly leans into me, panting
      "Seems ear is quite sensitive." Just as I said this I could hear shrieking just a little further from us, I look back up to see all the girls watching from a distance, wait how long have they been there?"
      "They've been there the entire time, you've just been too preoccupied with Shiota to have noticed them" Haha, Fuck. Why can't I get my alone time with my little blue snake. Wanting to get away from them as soon as possible I grab hold of Nagisa in a bridal position, who now looks even redder and even more than before overwhelmed, and sprint of location for our  to our first date.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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