Chapter 5: Instilling Fear

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Nagisa P.O.V

We all arrived to the main campus, greeted by the usual cold stares. This was normal for us as D to A class saw us as nothing more than failures, nobodies after all that's what happens when your in e-class, but now I wouldn't change my class for the world. Despite winning against them recently in the midterms, most students think it was a fluk.

"Hey Nagisssa why are there ssso many ssstudentsss giving you sssuch pitiful glaresss asss though you they believe themssselves as better than you? We should teach them a lesssson"(Let's establish that any time Nagisa or Karma speak to their Mijikana they are using telekinesis, there will be exceptions but those exceptions will be established before hand)

"As much as I'd like that I'd rather not cause a commotion."

"Who sssaid we had to caussse a commotion, a sssmall glimpssse of what your truly capable of isss more than enough to establisssh your dominance." I smiled at the thought, what the? Wait this is not like me at all! I swear Reiketsuna is giving me a major confidence boost I would've never had otherwise. "Whatsss wrong with a little confidence boossst it'sss about time you get one, after all you've been through."

"I suppose you're right. But not now we'll wait for the right moment." Reiketusna agreed; I quickly joined the rest of the class as we all made our way to the gymnasium.

All of us lined up while the other classes were still chatting, most of them whispering insults and laughing at us. No one in E-class enjoyed the other students looking down on us constantly, but now thanks to Koro-sensei boosting our marks up the insults have diminished to a decent degree compared to the beginning of the year, especially considering that we won the bet against A-class everyone has decided that our prize would be going to the Okinawa island resort. As we saw A-class walk in we quickly went to greet them, all of them with bitter expressions.

"A deal is a deal" 

"We won fair and square..." Our classmates said as we all stood in front of a class.

Asano couldn't hide his expression of disappointment/defeat, Karma seemed to especially be enjoying his expression. As the assembly finished everyone inn E-class began to leave with the other classes staying back in the gym a bit longer, only Karma and I stayed a bit more behind. I gave Karma a nudge and gave a gesture towards the other classes, he gave a huge smirk.

Asano P.O.V

How humiliating, to have have lost to E-class is simply unheard of. I look to the exit to see Akabane and his frien Shiota still standing in front of the exit despite the rest of the class having already left. What the?! I suddenly felt a huge wave of pressure weighing on me, I look back to Akabane and Shiota and I freeze the pressure is coming from them!!?! Not only that but they both seem to be be emitting a sort of demonic aura, both there respective colours. What the hell are they!? Were they always like this? Is the rest of E-class also like this? No then they wouldn't have explicitly waited until their classmates left, I truly believe it is only them. In truth their aura is not only terrifying but suffocating, it's seriously difficult to breath. Thankfully both of them finally left and with them the pressure they emitted. Everyone collapsed to the floor as soon they left even I was on my knees as the sudden relief of pressure was to great. The hell?!? What the heck are they?!

Karma P.O.V

Hahahaha! That was hilarious I don't think I've ever seen Asano with a face like that! He was terrified! I look over to he was smiling happily, honestly never thought Nagisa would ever find a joy in this but it's nice to see like this. We join the rest of the class as we head back for the classroom. Nagisa decided to test out the limits of his shadow ability that he used earlier against Koro-sensei, honestly it almost seemed as though he teleported but in reality he could only travail through shadows nearby and was could only travel through shadows in his line of vision. I on the other hand did have an ability that could allow me to travail quicker but they involved using my flames as a sort of jet booster but not only would that be too flashy it also would risk the forest catching fire and even I wouldn't take that high of a risk. As we arrived back to the E-Class building everyone was shocked to see Nagisa had somehow passed them without anyone taking notice. I quickly went to stand next to him.

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