Chapter 2: Reiketsuna, The Snake Mijikana

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Nagisa P.O.V

As both me and Karma get out of the 3-E building I feel two arms embrace me from my back tightly. I knew it was Karma, but for some reason I could feel my heartbeat get quicker and louder.

"You're such an idiot you know. I always got the feeling that you were hiding something but now after hearing it from you it was actually much worse than I could've imagined." Karma turned my body so I would face him "Never keep secrets like that from me again, got it?!" I sighed and gave him a small smile.

"Got it."

We head down the mountain and start walking towards my house. The pain I had felt before was completely gone maybe I really did just hallucinate that snake. As we arrive to my apartment I insert the key and open the door. Karma follows me up to my room, Karma goes straight to my closet and opens it, but to my surprise he didn't take out his phone to take pictures to share with Rio he actually looks at the clothes with a rather sad/discontent look on his face, he sighs and helps take down my suitcase from the top shelf of my closet and helps me back my few boy clothes and as well as any other possession I wanted to bring. Once we were done I zip up my suitcase and walk out the room, I turn to look at my what is now to be former bedroom for one last time before finally closing the door. We slowly walk through the apartment to say my final goodbyes and finally closed the door of the apartment locking it. Karma placed his hand on my back I looked at him he gave me a calm gentle smile, I smile back and Karma begins to lead the way to his house.

I was always amazed by the shear size of Karma's house. Despite being born privileged Karma's father always believed in earning what you want instead of just having it handed to you so Karma was never spoiled growing up it also helps that his mother is a world renon martial arts master who so happens to work as a lawyer, while his father is the head of a large industry in Tokyo. To be honest nobody knows about Karma's parents so nobody that we know really is aware that Karma is rich because he sure as hell doesn't act like it. In truth I got curious of where he got his sadistic tendencies from only to learn he got it from both parents as when they were his age they were both troublemaking delinquents themselves who also happened to go to great schools and graduating at the top of their classes, just like Karma. Karma is really close with his parents despite them being gone so often, because whenever they come back they always make sure to catch up with their only son. I guess I've always been a little jealous of their relationship, but in all honesty I'm happy for Karma, actually the first time I had met his parents they thought I was his girlfriend and even after Karma told them I was a boy they just changed from girlfriend to boyfriend being surprisingly supportive about it despite it not being the case. It's then that Karma told me that he was bi and that he had already told his parents. To be honest I'm gay but I have yet to tell anyone because of the fear my mom instilled in me, despite knowing that Karma would be okay with it since he is technically partially gay himself. But now since we'll be living together I think it best to finally tell him.

"So Karma where will I be sleeping?"

"With me in my room since I don't want you to sleep alone right now." My face becomes bright red like Karma's hair.

"Karma I need to tell you something."

"You told me to not keep secrets anymore right, well I've been meaning to tell you something but my fear of my mom finding out was to great. You revealed to me that you were bi the day I first time I met your parents well I am revealing to you that I am actually.... gay." I look up to Karma as he smiles at me, I smile back.

"Thanks Nagisa for keeping our promise."

Karma P.O.V

Holy shit! Nagisa is gay! Deep down I've always wanted to be more than friends with him but I never thought it could be possible until now. But I can't get ahead of myself especially after everything he just went through. I help Nagisa with his stuff. My room is huge and I so happened to have a very large bed and that I have a sofa bed in my room. I take it out and start making the bed until I turn to so Nagisa deathly pale stumbling while leaning onto the walls. I quickly rush to his aid, as soon as I touch him I feel my hands freeze he is as cold as an ice cube and it's September? I quickly bring him to his bed and tuck him in, this is definitely more than just trama I quickly take my phone and call Mr.Karasuma to tell him the situation. He told me to stay home and watch over Nagisa, if Nagisa would get better tomorrow he would see us then. I close my phone and go back to Nagisa, I look at him he really is adorable I lay down next to him in his bed and kiss him on the forehead and slowly fall asleep.

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