Chapter One

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Chapter One : Arguments And Old Friends

Riker's P.O.V

" Mommy! Daddy! " Little five year old me screamed as he ran around the playground.

I had no idea where I was going, but I wanted to be strong. I was the Alphas son and my family had a reputation to uphold.

" Ouch " I said as I ran into something.
" Watch where you're going freak " An old lady scolded me as she grabbed the child I ran into and moved him away from me.
" I'm the alpha's kid! That's no way to talk to people! " I yelled after her.

I sighed in frustration seconds later after realizing she was ignoring me.

" No one cares kid "

I turned around and a man was standing behind me. His eyes were bright red. A clear side of being a rouge.

" W-why are you here? Rouges shouldn't be here " I said nervously.
" I was just passing through when I heard what the lady said. I get called a freak a lot too kid so don't sweat it. " He replied.
" But you seem cool " I said.

The man laughed and smiled down at me.

" Where are your parents kid? " He asked.
" Working " I answered.
" Come with me. Let's go train " He said before turning around and walking into the woods.

I followed him. Probably wasn't the smartest move, but I thought he was cool. Plus I had nothing better to do.

" Welcome to my paradise " The man said he stopped walking.
" It's pretty " I said fascinated.

It was a small field with flowers and animals. The whole thing seemed to be in a different part of the world, away from everyone.

" Well, what kind of hybrid are you? " The man asked.
" Part werewolf and part vampire " I answered with a proud smile.
" Me too kid " The man smiled.

I smiled as well. I had found someone who understood me! Well, he found me, but still.

" Are we friends now? " I asked.
" Always kid. We're always going to be friends"

As I played that memory over and over again in my head, I realized that he was my first real friend. Elijah had been someone who understood me, cared about me and trained me. I wouldn't be who I was without him.

I said quiet thank you's as I stood over the grave of a friend I had lost exactly eleven years ago.

" Life of a rouge is dangerous kid. If I don't come back here to meet you one day, wait a week. If I still don't show up, I'm probably dead. "

I could still clearly hear him saying that. When he first said it, I didn't think much of it. My friend couldn't die, death only happened when you were old and it was your time to go.

What a stupid kid I was.

One day, Elijah never showed up to meet me. I was scared but kept his words in mind. I waited a week, then another one, and then several more. He never came back.

Since my parents never knew about him, I had no one. I didn't have a shoulder to cry on, or someone to help me morn the loss of my friend. It was just me. I used to wish they found out about him. It would have saved me from dealing with this alone. I never understood how they never noticed. Maybe they did and just didn't care.

Years later, I still miss him. I miss the times we'd bicker and fight and I missed the times we'd laugh at the most random things, but I know he's in a better place now. I know he's watching over me and laughing as I do stupid things. As I do stupid things all alone.

I yawned tiredly before turning around and heading home. I knew Lily was probably waiting for me so we could talk about the incident that occurred yesterday.

" You mean when that loser tried to kill us " my vampire side, Jax, mumbled.
" And when you killed him in front of the pack" my werewolf side, Leon, added.
" And don't forget the fact that you helped start a rebellion " Jax laughed.
" That wasn't my fault " I snapped.
" You didn't start it, but you did somewhat help " Leon said.
" Whatever I didn't know about any of this " I replied before tuning them out. 

I didn't even know there was a rebellion trying to start. I didn't know me winning the alpha title would cause the rebellion to make itself known.

I didn't know any of this would start.

A.N : I know this is short. I promise the chapters will get longer and they will make more sense. This chapter is important for the future of Riker so it needed to be here.

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