Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten : Together

Riker's P.O.V

I watched as Annabelle announced the when and where the final battle of the rebellion would be happening to the rest of the rebels. Both sides had agreed to a fair fight.

It was only a matter of time until it was all over.

" There's a happy ending to this right? " Ashton whispered to me.
" Probably not. You'll most likely be the first to die anyways " I lied.

His face paled and I laughed.

" I'm kidding man, we'll win. We have Annabelle leading us. We couldn't have a better leader. " I answered honestly this time.
" Agreed. We're all lucky to have Anna " He replied.
" And I'm lucky to have you guys " Annabelle's sweet voice said as her arms wrapped around my waist.

I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

" I'm lucky to have you. You're the best mate anyone could ask for " I whispered to her before gently kissing her forehead.
" Gross. I don't want to be no third wheel. Goodbye! " Ashton yelled as he walked away.

Me and Annabelle laughed, but I couldn't tell she worried. Her laugh wasn't the same.

" Hey, everything will be ok " I said softly.
" I can't loose any of you Riker. I love all of you. You're my family " She whispered as her eyes began to tear up.

I pulled her into a hug and slowly brushed my fingers threw her hair.

" You won't loose us Annabelle. I promise. We're strong, we'll win. And when this is all over, I want....I want you to come back to my pack with me. To be my Luna. " I replied.
" What about everyone else? All of the rebels? " She asked as she looked up at me.
" They can join us. They can all come with us. Every last one of them " I answered.
" I'd love to Riker " Annabelle said with a smile.

I smiled down at her and captured her lips in a kiss.

" I love you " I said happily.
" And I love you " Annabelle replied.
" Ok enough sappy talk you two. We have training to do Anna " Lily's voice sounded from behind me.
" Oh shut it. You're the same way with Parker " Annabelle laughed as she pulled away from me.
" You're all a bunch of love sick puppies " Elijah called as he walked towards us.

We all began to laugh.

" Ok I better get going. I'll see you soon " Annabelle said as she kissed my cheek.
" Bye beautiful " I replied.
" Whipped " Ashton coughed, appearing out of no where. 
" Why are you still here? " I joked as I turned to face him.
" I need to head into town. You and Parker are coming with me " He replied.
" I'll come too " Elijah added.
" Sure " Ashton said with a shrug " the more the merrier ".


" Dude you're worse than my younger sister. Let's go already " Parker complained as we all followed behind Ashton.
" I'm only buying things we need " Ashton yelled over his shoulder.
" You needed a peanut butter jar stuffed bear? You're allergic to peanuts " Parker said, rolling his eyes.
" You needed like seven hundred pairs of socks, and the five pairs of shoes " I added.
" Ok well those are bad examples " Ashton answered.
" What about the stuffed dog, or the wetsuit, or the tent, or the—-" Elijah said with a laugh.
" Ok! We get it " Ashton yelled, cutting him off.

We all let out a laugh as Ashton grunted and walked away from us.

" I miss our mate " Leon commented.
" Me too " Jax agreed.
" Guys it's only been two hours " I replied.

If I was honest, I missed her too. I couldn't wait to get back to her.

" Doesn't matter. I want our mate " Leon whined.
" Soon guys. It's only a twenty minute drive back " I said.

We're so close to our mate, yet it feels like we're light years away.


I dropped the bags on the ground and started searching for Annabelle. People yelled my name but I didn't care, I had to see my mate. I followed her scent until I stopped at our bedroom door. I walked inside and saw Annabelle sitting on the bed reading a book.

" Hey " She says, noticing me.

She put down the book on the side table and I read the cover; The Fault In Our Stars.

" Isn't that book like seven years old? " I asked.
" Yes, but it's still really good " She replied.

I walked over to her and picked her up. I sat on the bed behind her and pulled her into my chest.

" I missed you " I murmured as I breathed in her addictive scent.
" You've been gone like two hours " She laughed, grabbing one of my hands and intwining our fingers.
" Doesn't mean I can't miss you. I love you " I replied.
" And I love you Riker. Always " She said.

I turned her around and kissed her. After a while I turned and kissed where her neck and shoulder meet. Where I would mark her.

" Mark me Riker. I love you and I always will. " She said.

I smiled happily before marking her as mine. Annabelle turned and marked me as well.

" I love you " I said again.
" I love you too " She smiled.

And we spent the rest of that night together. Spending as much time with one another as we could. We didn't know how the battle was going to end, but we wanted to enjoy this moment.


A.N: I'm so sorry for not publishing and sorry this chapter is short and really bad. I recently was on a vacation and missed a whole lot of school so I was trying to catch up as well as prepare for upcoming exams. Plus I do have some writers block going on.

Ok enough with the excuses.

This book is almost over. There's only like 2 more chapters plus an epilogue.

For sneak peaks, updates, and more, follow me on Instagram. My user is Invisible5792

Rebellion | Troublesome Mate Series Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now