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It is cold. It is quiet. I'm walking through this city with other eyes now. Nine years I thought it's the place I should be. It is my home. But now it's different. The cold towers, and unscrupulously Bishops are not the place where I want to be. Looking out of the Window is like hearing music without any speaker.

During this walk I feel nothing. There must be an other world. Where is the warmth. The stone pavement is the only noise so far. "Is anybody out there" - The question is flying through my head. Look to heaven is just terrible. I hope I don't meet any bishops now. They are scaring me more than anything else. The night is dark and temprature is so cold. Nobody is on this streets, everybody is hiding in his room. Just the neon lights shine through the half-covered windows. I should go to my room, but it isn't better there. It's also cold and the thoughts about an escape are going crazy. It is the life I lived here. I lived for nine years between these walls and I thought it's my home. That's so unbelievably. I could cry. I could cry the teardrops over the black thoughts, I could be happy. I don't know what's behind these dark and gray walls.

I've written some letters. I don't know who will find and read them, but they helped me to discribe what I'm feeling right now. I just put the letters in a box and threw this box far away. I hope someone will find this.

I planned this thing with some friends. We thought we should hide during we try to escape. But we made the decision to go out of here, and everybody will see us.

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Now I know what it is. Dema is a jail to me. I must escape. We planned it. We take a way under the city. The walls around this city are so big. It is impossible to climb these walls. We have a tunnel under the city. We have this tunnel, to hide from the Bishops, but now he'll help us to go out of here. We just can go in the tunnel and walk outside. Sounds easy but, we will travel for days, weeks or maybe months, to come to the place we want. And if we fail, we will never get a second try. So after we made us noticable we will go into the tunnel and walk.

It is cold. It is quiet. I'm thinking about this whole thing again. I'm just sitting in my room. The neon lights are between bed and wardrobe. Thats all, just a bed and a wardrobe. My Room.

This escape is my only hope. Will I ever live an other life in an other world? Will these Bishops let me be who I am? All these Questions.

I watched out of the window, and realized: on the top of the wall are some Vultures. They are free. They just can take their ability to fly, and fly around this world. They can see us from above wich is crazy. We'll never just fly out of here. We must find other ways to get our freedom and peace. But what is if we never get this peace. If we come back to this city earlier than we think.

Someday we will escape from here. No letters, No thoughts, No insecurity.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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