Close One

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12:10 A.M. 8/22/2022

I hear a faint scream.



"Please help!"

"Robin?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Yes! It's me!" She yells back.

I feel so happy now that Robin is actually still alive! But now we somehow have to get her back up out of that hole.

"Here! Robin! Grab my hand!" James shouts.

She grabs his hand and he pulls her up. It's a good thing he lifts weights because she would still be hanging off that cliff if it weren't for him.

"Will you go out with me?" James asks in wonder.

"Yes! Of course!" Robin yells in joy.

6:00 P.M. 8/23/2022

Now that Robin and James are going out, since yesterday, they hold hands 24/7. They just won't let go. I guess they know that we'll all die eventually but we just don't know when.

I forgot to include that yesterday, 2 people in our group died from being crushed by rocks tumbling down the hills during the earthquake. We're all pretty lucky, especially Robin, that we didn't die yesterday. I heard so many screams during the earthquake and watched people die. It's not a fun sight to see of course so I would always cry when someone got hurt in a way they died.

10:00 P.M. 8/23/2022

We arrived at a camping site to sleep at because we haven't slept for days now. We only had 5 sleeping bags so the majority of us had to share one. Robin and James of course shared one and Nick and Samantha shared one, but we don't know them that well. Chris of course, took the second to last one left for himself, so that meant me and Asher had to share one.

"C'mon it's not gonna be so bad Sierra." As Asher lets me get into the sleeping bag first.

I didn't answer. I didn't know how to reply.

As Asher slips into the sleeping bag he notices that I look annoyed.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Ya...Im fine." I reply.

I start to get scared...

What if something was to go terribly wrong while we were asleep? I'm terrified. I frown.

Asher puts his hand over mine. At first I yank it away, but then he tries again and I let him this time. I smile. His bright blue eyes sparkle in the moonlight. I rest my head on his shoulders as he rests his head on top of mine. I turn over and rest my cold body against his. Asher kisses my forehead. I look up and start to blush.

Damn it Sierra! I feel my warm blood rushing to my cheeks.

I giggle. He smiles, showing his straight white teeth. He leans in next to me and I lean in too. His soft warm lips press up against mine.

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