Lets not and say we did

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~Angel's P.O.V~

"I'm done." I said to Aizawa. "Check over it again." He said. "You've already made me check over it four times, just take the piece of paper." I said, irritation obviously laced in my tone. He just sighed and took the paper. I leaned back in my chair and looked at the ceiling. "Alright now that everyone's papers are in go change and we are heading out to the field." Aizawa said.

   I sighed and got up. Before I could start towards the locker room shouto grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the teacher. "Tell him what you told me." He said. "Fine. They told me to come. They told me to tell dad I'd come. They made me come here to spy on you guys. I don't want to I just want to go home." I said.

    "And where is home?" Aizawa asked. "With dad, in our small little two story house." I said. He sighed and stood up. "Alright. Let's just go through the day and when schools over stay with your dad alright." Aizawa said. "Alright!" I said enthusiastically.

                                              .     .     .     .     .

        "Alright! Today we will be learning a new hand to hand combat style!" All might, dad, practically yelled. "Angel! Would you kindly help me demonstrate?" I sighed and walked forward. He got in a stance and I copied it. "You remember?" He asked, to which I nodded to.

"Question: Why Muay Thai?" I whispered. "Because it's fun." He said back, laughing. I smiled and relaxed from my stance. "You Get first hit. You know how I play." I said. "Aiwaza? Erase her quirk. You know how she plays." Dad said. "Touché. You do know how I play." I said. "Well come at me."

He ran and jumped at me, his knee aiming for my face. I sidestepped and he landed on the ground. I smiled turned toward him. "Land a hit then I'll start fighting." I said. He charged but slide under me than kneed my back. "Good job." I said. I took a step back then landed a roundhouse on his shoulder. Which did nothing. "Fine well hit it old style then." I mumbled.

I ran at him and jumped on his shoulders. I grabbed his arm and pulled it up Over my head then behind his back. He hissed in pain. "Say it and I'll stop." I said. "No." He said. So I pulled his arm tighter. "Ah! Ah! Ow! Fine! You win!" He said. "When did we switch from Muay Thai to street fighting?" He was rubbing his arm. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm just used to that fighting style and it comes naturally." I said scratching my cheek awkwardly.

    He sighed, then looked at the students. "How many of you know street fighting?" He asked. Katsuki raised his hand. Just him. "Alright. Young Bakugou! Fight Angel!" He said. "What? That's a suicide mission for me!" I hissed. "Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt ya. Too bad anyways." He was smirking. "Little brat I should put you in your place." I growled. "Wait! I don't want to fight him! He'll murder me!"

      "Oh calm down I'm not gonna kill you!" Katsuki said. "But I don't want to fight you." I said, a slight pout on my lips. Katsuki walked up to me and grabbed my arm. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Just because you like me doesn't give you an excuse to not fight me. But as I said I won't kill you, and you know why."

My face flushed a bright red. "B-back up!" I said, my voice barely above a whisper. He smirked. "Stop smirking!" I squeaked. "What not gonna fight?" Katsuki asked. "FUCK OFF ASSHOLE!" I yelled. "Hey! No inappropriate language!" Dad yelled. I sighed and took a few steps back. "So we gonna fight or what?" I sneered. He was really getting on my nerves. "So, you finally ready to fight me baby?" He asked. "One, don't call me baby. Two, I don't like you." I growled.

"You're boring." He said. He lunged forward, his movements seemed fast to the normal eye but they were slow. Slower then usual. I sidestepped and slid behind him. "You're slow." I said. I guess I made him mad because he growled and whirled around. "Sorry baby. Am I not up to your standards?" He sneered. "Nope. Never will be with that attitude." I said with amusement. He looked ready to kill me. I just smiled.

He just shook his head and smirked. "Fine. Then show me how to reach your standards." He said. "They're too high for you babe." I said. He growled and began to circle me. "Ooh. Am I prey now?" I asked a slight giggle in my tone. If there was one thing I learn from the villains it was to never show fear or pain, just amusement. And maybe some anger. Which made this oh so much more fun.

Here it is!

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