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"Fight already." Someone shouted. I just smirked. "Yeah Katsuki. Fight." I said. "Fine! You wanna fight! Let's fight!" He shouted. I smiled and sidestepped again. "Too slow." I giggled. "Fine! Then you make the first move!" He yelled. "Gladly." I smiled. I took a step forward and I could see him tense. I giggled then lunged at him. He tried to move but I grabbed him already. I pulled him down and knee'd him in the face. I pushed him back and then roundhouse'd him in the face, knocking him out.

   "You wanted a fight, I gave you one. You weren't ready for it." I sneered. "Damn." Someone spoke out. "This goes to show, don't try me." I said. "Well now that you have been given an example of one of many fighting styles. How about we learn more." All might said. "I'm done here." I grumbled. I took two steps away and someone gripped my arm. "Don't just leave him there." Izuku Midoriya.

    "And why not?" I asked. "Because! You can't just knock him out and leave him there!" He shouted. "If you're so concerned about why don't you deal with it. Besides you're already my replacement for my dad why not take it here too." I sneered before walking off. I could feel the shocked atmosphere behind me but I kept walking. "The villains really did rub off on her."

   That one sentence made me freeze. "What did you say?" I growled. "I said 'the villains really did rub off on you.'" They repeated. Tokoyami. "No I just learned to build up walls because not everyone is who you think they are. So I just don't trust anyone. Besides one." I said. "H-how about we drop it?" Dad asked. "No! I wanna know!" Denki shouted. Kirishima made a sound of agreement.

      "You really want to know?" I asked. Tokoyami nods. "Shouto Todoroki." I said. "Shouto? Why him?" Kirishima asked. "He knows the life of being a celebrities child, and being pressured for it and then to be betrayed. He knows all my secrets. So I trust him with my life." I answered. They looked surprised, saddened, but surprised nonetheless.

~Le time skip to a week later~

"Hey! Fuck face! Get outta ma way!" Katsuki yelled. "Why should I?" I growled. "Don't test me bitch." He hissed. "You're right. If I tested you, you'd fail. Horribly." I smirked when he let off small explosions in his palms. I just laughed and knocked on the door to all mights office after he turned around. "You know. You shouldn't get on his bad side." A unknown voice said from behind me. I turned slightly and saw dabi. "How'd you get in here?" I asked.

"Security isn't tight, lil sis." He answered. I turned around fully and faced him. "What did you want?" I asked. "Two students, one from 1-B. Hitoshi Shinso and Neito Monoma." He said. "Wait- Class 1-B? Why should I?" I sneered. "Don't get me wrong, they're great and all but why them?"

He sighed and glared at me. "Are you disobeying direct orders?" He asked. "I guess I am. I'm not doing it." I said. "Oh really? So if we kill them off you wouldn't care? I mean since you want to disobey orders." He said with a slight smile. "Don't you dare!" I growled out. "Then get the job done." He said. "F-Fine!" I hated myself for stuttering, but I was scared.

~Shouto's P.O.V~

So she is being blackmailed. "How am I supposed to get them?" She asked. "Use your charm." He said. "It'll only work on Monoma. Shinso's a mind controller remember?" She said. "And?" He said. "It doesn't work on them!" She whisper shouted. "Fine. Become his friend then or whatever. Just get them!" He said. "Fine Dabi. I'll make it as quick as possible." She mumbled before walking away.

            ~Angel's P.O.V~

I sighed as I walked around. It was break before lunch and I need to find a way to be shinso's friend. Maybe I could sit with him at lunch? Because I'm pretty sure o could get monoma to sit with us by just a look.

     Maybe shinso wouldnt mind being friends? I doubt it though. Hmm what should I do? "Angel! A student from the general department is asking for you in the office!" Mineta yelled from down the hall. "Thanks grape." I mumbled while walking away. Welp to the office it is! As I was walking I saw Monoma walking the same way as me, so I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hi. Were you heading to the office?" I said looking to the side, not wanting to show my charm just yet. "Yes. But may I ask, who are you?" He said. I looked him straight in the eye and smiled. "I'm Angel. I'm All Mights daughter." I said. His eyes flashed a pinkish purplish hue before returning to normal. "I'm Neito Monoma. Would you like to walk to the office together?" He said, a smirk dancing on his lips. I nodded, making myself blush slightly.

He grabbed my hand and gently led me to the office, where I saw Shinso. I smiled and thanked Monoma. "So you were looking for me?" I asked Shinso. "A little birdie chirped something about you." He said. "Oh really? And what'd this little birdie say?" I asked. "You're either with the villains or you're being blackmailed." He said.

My body stiffened. "I haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about." I said. "Walk with me. We can talk." He said smirking. I sighed and grabbed his arm. I pulled him to the side. "Who's this little birdie? Tell me that and then I'll talk." I sneered. "Shouto Todoroki. Now you're being blackmailed?" He muttered. I nodded, then looked around, noticing Shouto, Deku, and Uraraka walking towards the office. "Meet me at the gates an hour after school. We'll talk then." I told him.

He nodded. "Come find me at break. I have something else we need to talk about." He said. "No. Save it for the meeting. I gotta go. Don't be late." I said, before walking off. "Fuck my life........" Oh Shouto is gonna get it. I'm gonna hurt that little boy.

Uhmmmm hai?
I'm back ig
Bai ig

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