Forever And Always

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Get ready for a loooooooooooooong trip down memory lane, my readers...

However, you can just skim through to the end if you remember the story well enough :)


        Jason couldn't hold on anymore. He was done. He could feel it. He laid there at the bottom of the lake, all feeling slowly washing away...

          He couldn't help but let his mind wander over his life. He felt Freddy leave the lake while Michael was still safe in the cabin. Jason's lungs had long since filled with water, but he still breathed out a sigh of relief. He looked up to the ever-morphing moon from underneath the waters that were becoming red from his blood.

          The flashbacks began almost instantly...

(Chapter 1)

/ALL SHE DID WAS SCREAM AND SCREAM AND SCREAM, IF SHE HAD JUST KEPT QUIET I WOULD'VE---/ Michael stopped dead in his tracks as he realized that he wasn't inside of his own property, but inside of a forest that he did not know.

          /. . . Well that's just freaking fantastic./ He thought sarcastically, his posture completely dropping. /What the hell do I do now?!/ He looked around, trying to find some small sign of where he might be...

         And finding none whatsoever.

          /I hate my life./ Was all that the masked man thought as he picked a random direction, hoping that it was the right way.

                                                                             *       *       *

          After about 45 minutes, Michael wasn't getting anywhere. Every few minutes he would stop, look around for some part of the forest that he recognized, and found nothing. So he just kept walking.

          Suddenly Michael felt as if someone was watching him. He just shrugged it off, thinking it was his schizophrenia acting up again.

          That is, until a machete stabbed into a tree that he had been walking by, just one inch off from hitting his face. Michael gasped and jumped back, looking in the direction that the machete had come from. There he saw a man, taller than him, huffing and puffing in a hockey mask.

          /Great./ Jason thought. /I missed./

(Chapter 2)

Then he saw it; his knife, right on the edge of the little cliff. He went over to it, picked it up, and let out sigh of relief. He started to make his way back to his house [he was fairly confident that he could find his way back this time,] happily holding the knife.

But will anything really be that simple in this story? Of course not!!! Then it would be boring!!! And could you guess what happened next?!

Before Michael could take another step, a machete came flying at his head. Again. He looked over to where it came from, and there was Jason, glaring pure death at Michael (you guessed right!).

/OH COME ON!!!/ Michael screamed in his head. /I will never get a break here, will I?!/ Even though Michael was cursing the world out in his head, only his eyes showed his anger and annoyance. The kitchen knife welding psychopath prepared to fight the deranged hockey mask killer, wanting to get even for yesterday.

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