Chapter 8

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It wasn't her best shot, but it hit one of the angry looking men in the leg as the other guy ran forwards to help him. But the woman wasn't distracted, she had a menacing glare as she prowled towards her like a predator to its prey. But before she could pull the trigger again she was tackled by the unharmed man which knocked her heavily onto the floor. She took in a sharp breath of pain and tried to reach for her gun which had been knocked a way from where she lay. But then something took her by surprise, the woman had also been knocked over but by two pirates.
Her crew pirates.
But she couldn't focus on them, the man was still charging towards her. She managed to jump up and dodge out of the way, but accidentally hit the brick wall of the alley. She was sure her arm was going to be bruised tomorrow. She glimpsed the woman actually taking on both of the crew members at once and she almost looked to be winning. Jasmine turned back to the advancing enemy. She narrowly swerved a punch and hoped, aiming a swift kick at him. She'd hit the right place, as he collapsed to the ground. She took her chance, running towards her gun and then sprinting over to the woman who didn't see her coming. She replicated the tackle from before, but this time she was the one to knock over the stranger. It bought them enough time to get away and escape around the corner.

They managed to reach the ship in time but Darren was frantic. He'd been waiting for about 20 minutes, so maybe they weren't really in time but he still waited. As soon as he saw them he pulled Jasmine into a strong hug, especially relieved. But then she told him everything that had happened, with the crew members backing her up and his mood switched completely. He was furious. He was all for going after the kidnappers himself but she stopped him.
"You can't, we should just get going" she told him, trying to drag him back into the ship so they could get as far away as possible from this cursed place.
"I'm not letting them get away with this" he growled and broke free from her grip, "They deserve it, they deserve to die" before he could take another step forward, Jasmine swooped round him and blocked his path.
"No" she ordered, "no. I don't want to be anywhere near them again, and I'm not letting them hurt you, I just want to leave" she pleaded with him, and his normal expression returned to his face.
"Fine" he spat, "but only because it's you. Oh, and they wouldn't have hurt me, how weak do you think I am?" he joked and then made his way back to the ship, Jasmine right beside him.

They immediately set sail and Jasmine and Darren returned to the cabin. She was ecstatic to see the kitten again, who was now fully awake and bouncing around, chasing little spiders.
"So you know that secret thing I had to do?" He began, "well I kind of got you something..." he pointed to her ledge where a neat little parcel lay.
"You didn't?" she said as she walked over to it, "You didn't have to, you shouldn't have" she spluttered, shocked.
"Well I wanted to" he shrugged, "just open it!" he exclaimed, laughing.
She gave him that sarcastic smile again and sat down where Darren came over and joined her, he looked almost as excited as she was, maybe even more so. Slowly, she pulled the string off the brown paper and then discarded the paper underneath. But under that, was what looked like a pile of cloths... so she picked the first cloth up and gasped.
It was a deep sea blue pirates dress, it was sleeveless and had golden buttons going down the middle. Underneath was a red sash that was to be used as a belt that also had a matching headband.
"And also..." Darren reaches down and then grabbed something by his feet, "these!" They were some knee high boots with delicate little patterns on them.
Jasmine was already on the verge of tears, she'd never expected anything like this.
"Th-thank you" she said to him, she didn't know what else to say but pulled him into a strong hug of her own. He was obviously taken aback but wrapped his arms around her too.
"You're welcome" his voice was gentle but she could almost hear an apologetic  tone still there. Had he done this because he still felt sorry? Of course what had happened was wrong but he didn't have to keep doing things to make up for it.
"But there's also one more thing, it took a lot of searching but I finally found it" he managed to procure a huge book, one she recognised and looked at him confused.
Carefully she took it from him and opened it, she nearly dropped it in shock. It was identical to the other book she'd found the pistol in, but she knew it couldn't have been the same book because, well because there was a pistol in it.
"There's- there's two!?" She stuttered, "but how-why is there two!?" She exclaimed, gently taking the gun out and matching it to her other.
"Double trouble am I right?" He laughed at his own joke, "I'm sure it all suits you, I'll look forward to seeing you in the morning" he said as he walked to the door.
"You don't look forward to seeing me every morning!?" She acted offended but couldn't help but smile.
"Of course I do" he smiled and actually winked as he darted through the doors and onto the deck.

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