chapter 7: weird day

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Morgana is falling in an endless pit, there seems to be no end. everything around her is dark. She doesn't know what is happening to her at all, the only thing she can remember is that she is morgana pendragon. Bit by bit she loses her sense of reality and there is only a slight sliver holding unto her, like a tight rope trying to pull her out. She hasn't got a grasp on all of her senses. When she tries to speak no sound comes out. When she tries to listen to any noise. Nothing. She is just in nothingness itself if that makes sense. She just keeps on falling deeper and deeper into it...

Aithusa is looking worried at her mistress face who is lying on a sort of stone table. It was made by the druids and Mordred himself. The stone has been conjured by an ancient spell that is of the old religion. To be able to perform the spell, there are 3 requirements. The first one, it needs to be used on a priestess of the old region. Second, the placement should be in a site where nature is on is at it must beautiful peak and where the magic is very powerful. Nature plays a big part in this ritual because of the teaching of the old religion. "The old religion is the magic of the earth itself. It is the essence which binds all things together. It will last long beyond the time of men." These words were spoken by none other than the great dragon himself. And finally the amount of druids that must perform the spell are 7. It is a very complicated spell to enforce. There is a lot of magic needed from many sorceresses at the same time. the spell is used only when magic is forcefully taken by someone in anyway. There were only a severe few cases throughout time that such a gruesome thing happened. After magic is taken away from a warlock or witch, they are left with nothing inside and are left only with a hollow shell. It's a binding spell that binds the victim to the earth. It's called the earth-binding spell. It binds the person literally to the earth, without magic the witch or warlock loses all her senses until she/he falls into an eternal nothingness which results to death. Until then, they would be still alive and be aware of their surroundings, but they wouldn't be able to move or anything else. This spell is kind of a rope that binds them to this reality. It gives the person something to hold un to. It keeps the body connected to the earth and not let it go to the afterlife.

Iseldir is looking just as worried as Aithusa, but for different reasons. The druid chieftain was immediately summoned by Mordred to come and check on his dear mother figure. Well Mordred didn't have to because every magical being felt the dark magic that was used on morgana le fey. Mordred for one was more in distress than anyone else. He too lost conscious soon after finding morgana lying on the cold wet ground of the forest. he was not being cooperative when he proposed that he should ask merlin for help. His exact words were " he is an enemy to all of magic". But the person that did this or rather the thing. An abominable creature, forged not born into the pit of HADES. Only he can be responsible for such an atrocity. Iseldir doesn't want to think about this any further, he really hopes he is deeply wrong but all the signs are pointing at one direction. And that direction is the one that will decide the fate of all Albion, maybe even all of humanity. And it will change everything forever. He suddenly feels a nudge on his right thigh as he looks down and notices the distressed head of the little dragon " don't worry Aithusa everything will be fine" he says with a reassuring smile as he kneels down on one knee and pats her head softly.

It has been a whole day and still nothing happened, Arthur is actually getting bored and frustrated. There is a part of him, a teensy part of him that hopes an army will show up will on the horizon he is currently staring at. This really doesn't make any sense, all that talk about war and killing and taking over the throne. Was that all just a farce? Was she just being hotheaded as usual? Did she get cold feet and run? No morgana wouldn't or would she? And why is Gwaine walking around annoying people, mostly him? All these questions are running through his mind but no answer comes to him. "sire another scouting group came back" perceival informs him. arthur shoots up and looks up at him. "and?" Arthur asks hope growing on his face for some actual good news, well news that make sense of the situation. Perceival just shakes his head for an answer. " nothing" Arthur says more of a statement than a question." The scout group found nothing to report back" Perceival replies. Arthur nods at him " you may go now" Arthur dismisses him with a wave of his hand. He looks around at his camp and then looks up at the horizon. He will stay a few more hours and then he will have to order a retreat. He shakes his head and walks over to his tent.

Merlin is now sitting across of Mordred in a camp they built near the crystal cave, they didn't speak a single word to each other after what they saw in the cave. it's been a few hours after the incident in the cave. Merlin still doesn't trust him but what they have seen made it difficult for them to act against each other. Merlin is currently staring at Mordred eyeing him, daring him to make a bold move. " you know if I wanted to hurt I would have already done it" Mordred says out loud cutting the silence. Merlin is cut out of his trance by Mordred sudden outburst, he is doing that lot lately. "merlin you should know by now that this feud between us should be put on hold" Mordred continues still not looking at his direction as he is cutting some firewood and throwing them into the fire. "listen" Mordred says sighing as he looked now straight at merlin. " we are both quite shocked from what we saw and we should talk about it but now is not the time. we well I have bigger problems to deal with currently." He finishes frustrated. Merlin looks at him with squinting eyes and is contemplating whether he should ask him about this 'problem'. He thinks it through and finally decides to just ask him." so what is this problem. Merlin asked air quoting the world problem. Mordred smirks and stands as he answers his question. " I am glad you asked". He starts walking towards the forest and stops for a while. " you coming or not" Mordred yells out. Merlin just blinks a few times before contemplating his choices, how did they become from sworn enemies to people who walk alongside each other. This doesn't make sense, they should be wanting to kill each other. They both don't have any trust for the other. And wait! He didn't realize but Mordred is here with him when he is supposed to be at Camlann battling Arthur. And if he is here where is morgana? This day is not going as he planned that's for sure. But one thing he does know is that Mordred is here and that means that Arthur won't have to die at his hand. With one final nod he stands up and walks up to Mordred." Lead the way" merlin says mockingly as he bows down.

A/N hoped you liked it, sorry for the delay. the chapters will be up every 2-3 days. I plan to throw a little of Greek and Norse mythology into this story. Leave a comment if you would like that or not. Alas see u over 3 days

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