How Often Does He Kiss You?

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General Hux:
Hux loves kissing you but only in secluded places. Like his office that is a usual place for the casual smooch or else you'll trail behind after meetings while he locks the door for a heated and needed make out session.

Finn kisses you every time he sees you. He loves to place both of his hands on your cheeks pulling you closer to him afraid that this might be the last. He kisses you every chance he gets to and he doesn't care whose watching because he just cares about you so freaking much.

Kylo Ren:
Kylo and you don't see each other during the day very much so most of your kissing happens in your quarters. Kylo always kisses you in the morning before he leaves and the moment he gets home as well. Your lips can easily put him in a good mood and he adores when you smile into the kiss because he feels like that's the same as telling him you love him.

Poe Dameron:
Everyone knows you and Poe are together because he's very vocal and clear with all of the Resistance that your his. He always makes sure to give you a quick peck before going out in his x-wing. You both have dangerous jobs and so although the kisses might be short they each mean the same thing: I Love You and Be Careful.

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