When You Have A Nightmare He

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General Hux:
He wakes you and sits up against the headboard with you. Usually he'll wait for you to process your nightmare and anxiety for a few minutes and then you'll break down and tell him. But he's kind and calming as he snakes his arm around your shoulders pulling you a little closer to him so that both of your sides are touching. He'll sit there with you for hours if he has to because he needs to make sure you're ok.

Finn is more freaked out about you having nightmares than you are. He wishes that he could just take all of them away. He doesn't make you talk about them though because he doesn't want to upset you any further. He'll just hush you back to sleep not loosening his grip on you for the rest of the night.

Kylo Ren:
He rushes into your room from across the hall because you're not officially together yet. Getting into your bed on the opposite side of you. He pulls you onto his chest which wakes you but soon after you know exactly who it is. Slowly you're breathing will slow down as he strokes your back and plants a kissed on the top of your head. He'll stay with you for the rest of the night as your emotional support to ease your nerves.

Poe Dameron:
Poe will wake you quietly watching your body language to try and determine the severity of the nightmare. He likes to calm you by grasping your hand in his laying a gentle kiss on the top of it. He'll keep your hand in his for hours because he knows it makes you feel safer and that's good enough for him.

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