Who Else Has A Crush On You

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General Hux:
Practically every stormtrooper around and it's very irritating to Hux. He'll walk ahead of you in the hall and then as soon as he turns back towards you some guy in a white helmet is hitting on you. So he slows his pace and walks next to you to ward them off. (He sort of reminds me of mosquito repellent here:)

R2D2. He likes to follow you around base everywhere. You two enjoy each other's company but Finn does get rather jealous because he can't understand what you two are talking about.

Kylo Ren:
One of Kylo's knights and of course he knows about it. One time the knight walked you home to your quarters but when you were about to open the door Kylo slid it open standing in the doorway glaring at the man next to you. The next day Kylo "accidentally" physically and mentally pushed that knight too far in one on one training which sent the knight to the infirmary for a week.

Poe Dameron:
Chewbacca. He likes how nice you are to him and constantly wants you to join him for a barbecue outside of base.

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