Checking Up On You Includes

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General Hux:
Hux is always checking up on you and he doesn't let anyone give you crap about being his girlfriend. Usually, when he's missed you he'll tell his assistants that he wants to personally deliver a message to you. Then at least he can see your face. He also, needs to make sure no one is flirting with you because 3 stormtroopers have already been fired for that.

Finn, Finn, Finn truthfully Finn doesn't like to spend time away from you so when he does he's usually less happy. Throughout the day he'll look for you in different rooms and when he does he'll sneak up behind wrapping hands his around your waist with his chin resting on your head. Finn spends hours every day just looking for you because he has nothing better to do.

Kylo Ren:
Kylo needs to know where you are every moment of every day. If he doesn't he grows anxious and usually his angression and nervousness will get the best of him. So, in the morning before you leave you'll casually tell him your schedule in case he needs to find you later that day. Kylo just randomly checks up on you also to make sure no men are hanging around you because he hates that and if they are he'll stride right up to the conversation taking your hand in his or just cutting straight to the chase kissing you mid sentence.

Poe Dameron:
Poe is a worrier when it comes to you. He doesn't like when you take off on missions without him. So, when Poe's around you'll always tell him what's going on with your schedule. Then he can manage his schedule into yours. So that he doesn't have to keep checking up on you because he'll already be sitting in the same meetings as you in the chair next to you. But if your schedules can't coincide he'll run through the whole base down every hallway calling your name until your head pops out of a door then running over to you he'll bear hug you and drag you with him to wherever he has to go.

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