f i v e - Pt.1

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The One Where Heckles dies.

Chandler walked into Monica's apartment where the gang, apart from Lily who was at work that day, was playing poker.

"Hey, how was your dinner with Lily last night?" Monica asked smiling,

"It was good, we had fun!" Chandler replied, but Monica wanted to know more.

"So, you gonna go out with her again, maybe a date next time?" She asked,


Monica looked shocked and somewhat upset. "What why not?"

"She talks quite a lot you know, and she's quite posh, British and all that," Chandler explained,

Monica rolled her eyes, "how many perfectly fine women are you gonna reject over the most superficial insignificant things?"

Joey interrupted, trying to stick up for his friend. "Hold it, hold it. I gotta side with Chandler on this one. When I first moved to the city, I went out a couple of times with this girl, really hot, great kisser, but she had the biggest Adam's apple. It made me nuts."

Everyone looked at Joey with questioning looks on their faces as Chandler turned to Ross, "you or me?"

Ross nodded to Chandler, "I got it. Uh, Joey, women don't have Adam's apples"

"You guys are messing with me, right?" Joey laughed, everyone looked at one another and then back at Joey. "Yeah, sure."

Joey breathed a sigh of relief, "that was a good one. For a second there, I was like, whoa."

Later on, everyone sat around the table, drinking beers and still trying to figure out why Chandler didn't want to go out of a date with Lily.

"You name one woman that you wouldn't go out with again for a real reason," Phoebe asked Chandler,

"Maureen Rosilla."

Ross rolled his eyes, "' Cause she doesn't hate Yanni," is not a real reason."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and Monica opened it, there appeared Mr. Heckles.

Monica sighed, not wanting to deal with the man today. "Hello, Mr. Heckles."

"You're doing it again,"

"We're not doing anything!" Monica told him,

"You're stomping. It's disturbing my birds." He told her, as Lily appeared behind him, coming out from her apartment.

"Mr. Heckles, you don't have any birds," Lily told him, as she stepped passed him and walked into the apartment greeting her friends.

"I could have birds," he told her.

Monica nodded, trying to get the old man to leave. "Okay, Mr. Heckles, we'll try to keep it down."

Closing the door, Monica went to sit down with the rest of her friends, including Lily who had recently joined.

"So what were you guys talking about?" Lily asked the group as Chandler rushed, "nothing, nothing at all."

"Right, okay." Lily looked suspicious but didn't push the situation.

Mr. Heckles banged on his ceiling, making a noise on Monica and Rachel's floor.

"Stop with the broom, we're not making noise," Monica shouted,

Monica stomped in protest to which Heckles bangs again, which is answered by Monica and Rachel stomping harder. Heckles bangs yet again, which is answered by everyone. Yet, there is no response.

Rachel laughed, "we won. We won!"

[Cut to a man wrapped up on a sheet being wheeled out on a gurney with the gang and Mr. Treeger looking on.]

Many of the group had hands over their mouths or looked sad at the man who was pronounced dead in his apartment.

"How did this happen?" Rachel asked,

Mr. Treeger held a broom in his hand, "he musta been sweeping. They found this broom in his hand."

"That's terrible!"

"I know. I was sweeping yesterday. It coulda been me." Mr. Treeger shook his head, as Rachel raised her eyebrows.

"Sure it could, you never know."


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