t w e n t y - e i g h t

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Three days later after uneventful days at work and Phoebe coming over showing Lily her new maternity clothes, it was the day that Lily's best friend was coming to visit, and Lily was, of course, a nervous wreck.

Cleaning her apartment there was a knock at the door, scaring Lily a little.

"Coming!" Lily shouted to the door, though it opened anyhow with Monica walking in.

"Hey Lil," Monica said, though uncertain of how lily would be, considering the pair no longer spoke as much as they should of.

Lily, who was now waiting upon the arrival of James and did not wish for Monica to get the wrong idea of the situation of who James was, rushed Monica as to asking what she wanted.

"Hi, hi Mon, what's up?" Lily rushed, still cleaning as she went along, confusing Monica.

"Oh, I just was wondering how everything was going, how the baby was." Monica shifted, almost as if she was hiding something.

Lily, who still not thinking clearly and rushing, went to open the door for Monica to walk out of.

"Yep, everything's fine, doing alright by myself thanks. Thank you for visiting, had a lovely talk, bye-bye."

Monica looked confused, "you sure you're alright Lil, you looked a bit panicked."

"Look, Monica, I understand that you lot and Chandler have been friends much longer than we have, but that still doesn't alter the fact that I don't see you guys as much. It's like sometimes you act like you don't even know me, so why bother coming to visit and ask how the baby is, I doubt you're gonna be as interested, and I don't need your pity, I'm doing fine on my own." Just as Lily said that a deep British voice came down the corridor, as a man stood against the door frame.

"Honey I'm home!" Lily's eyes widened as did Monica's at the thought of Lily with someone else.

Both didn't speak, just looked at the man, who looked at Lily. "Christ Lil, you've either gained a few or haven't told me something." Lily smacked him on the arm for suggesting she was not pregnant.

"Shut it you bellend, I'm pregnant." Lily rolled her eyes,

"And you didn't think to tell me, your best friend?"

"Well I would have but your phonecall wasn't exactly long." Lily shook her head,

However, James still smiled at his friend. "No worries, so where's the father of this beautiful child." He asked as Monica and Lily looked at each other.

Trying to avoid the situation, Lily turned to Monica. "James, this is Monica." She turned to James, "Monica this is James, my best friend from back in England." The two shook hands, though Monica looking dazed at the handsome man.

Monica struggled to talk, "h-hi." She said shyly,

"Lovely to meet you," he told Monica yet turned back to Lily.

"So my lovely ginger friend, let's get baby shopping."

"Jesus Christ James, shut up." She chuckled. Monica also struggled, though it seemed weird to Lily as Monica began playing with her hair and giving James flirtatious looks.

Lily pulled Monica to the side as James began to make himself comfortable. "Please don't tell me you like James."

"Hahaha," Monica laughed fakely, "what are you talking about? I mean yes I find him incredibly handsome and his British accent makes me weak to the knees, but that doesn't mean I like him."

Lily stared at her, "Sure it doesn't."

Monica shifted, "anyway, I'm gonna go, um, I'll come round soon, trust me."

"He's staying here for a long time, by the way, feel free to come whenever." Lily laughed,

"Oh you mean James, yeah sure I'll come round, that's if he wants me too." Monica tried to play it off cooly, to which lily just laughed.


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