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The One Where Ross And Rachel Take A Break + The Morning After.

Ross entered Monica's apartment where Monica, Lily, and Phoebe sat helping Phoebe with her geography skills for a date she had.

"Hey!" Ross said as the others turned to him,

A response of "hey" came back.

"What is ah, Rach in her room?" Ross asked, looking at Rachel's room, hoping she was in there.

Monica turned to her brother, "Oh no, she's still at work, but she told me to tell you to call her." She smiled at him, as his facial expression turned to disappointment.

"Oh what?! Is she gonna cancel on me again?! How can she do this? Doesn't she know it's our anniversary?" Lily looked at him with a sad smile, looking with sympathy at her friend.

Monica put her hands up in a sign of surrender, "All right ah, Ross, this is the extent of my knowledge on the subject." Monica held up a notepad, "call Rachel." She told him, as he looked at her, confused.

He pointed to the bottom of the notepad, "what's that on the bottom?" He asked,

"Oh, that's my doodle of a ladybug, with a top hat." She said proudly, turning to both Phoebe and Lily. "She's fancy."

Lily laughed as Ross called Rachel's office up frantically, "hello." She answered,

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked her as she sighed, "Well, there was a disaster in shipping and I've got to get this order in. Honey, I'm so sorry, but it looks like I'm gonna be here all night."

"What, do you, well umm, oh how about I come up there?" Ross suggested,

"No-no-no, no, honey please, I've got, I've just had so much to deal with," Rachel replied, it was then in the kitchen that Monica, Phoebe, and Lily were discussing Phoebe's love life.

"Anyway, I'm going out with Sergei again tonight, and um, could you come and be the translator's date? So that when we, it's time for our alone time, you two could split off. Y'know, he's really, he's kinda cute." She asked Monica, not asking Lily since she was with Chandler.

Monica rolled her eyes, "Yeah, well kinda cute, like really kinda cute, or kinda cute like your friend Spackle Back Larry?" She asked,

Phoebe looked offended. "Hey, don't call him that! His name is Spackle Back Harry!" Lily and Monica laughed at their friend, whilst Phoebe looked confused as to what they were laughing at.

The next morning, Ross sat eating a picnic as Rachel came home.

"I mean, I don't feel like I even have a girlfriend anymore." He told Rachel as she rolled her eyes,

"You want me to just quit my job so that you can feel like you've got a girlfriend?" She asked,

"Is this about Mark?" Ross raised his eyebrows as Rachel put her hands in her hair, pulling it as if she was stressed.

She looked shocked at him, "oh my god."

"Okay, it's not, it's not," Ross said, now wishing he had not said anything.

"Oh my God. I cannot keep having this same fight with you Ross! Look, urrgh, maybe we should take a break." She breathed, no longer wishing to carry on the fight.

Ross stands up and heads for the door, "Fine, you're right. Let's ah, let's take a break, let's cool off, okay, let's get some frozen yogurt or something.."

Rachel stood still, "No. A break from us."

Ross, looked at her silently, not quite believing what was coming out of her mouth. Still silent, he turned on his heel and out of the apartment.

It was then later on in the night, Rachel sat in Monica's apartment, with Mark eating Chinese food when the phone suddenly rang. Picking it up, it was then Ross who was on the other end of the line.

"I've been thinking, this is crazy, I mean don't, don't you think we can work on this?" Ross told her as Mark turned to Rachel,

"Hey, what do you want to drink," Mark asked as Rachel cringed, knowing Ross may have heard.

"Who's that? Is that Mark?" Ross asked, almost angrily.

Rachel breathed a sigh of annoyance and disappointment, knowing this was not going to help the situation. "Umm, honey, look he just came over to...."

"Yeah, got it!" The phone line cuts off, indicating that Ross had angrily put the phone down on her, making Rachel sigh in defeat.

The next morning, Monica and Lily were laughing, making a fruit smoothie whilst Rachel was in the shower. It was not long after Rachel walked out of the shower, making her appearance known to her friends. They looked at her, smiling.

"Hey, how was the anniversary dinner?" Lily asked,

"Oh, uh, it never happened. We kinda broke up instead." Rachel cringed, not liking how it sounded coming out of her mouth.

"What!" Lily and Monica both shouted, making Monica's hands come off the top of the blender, therefore making the smoothie fly everywhere. Both Lily and Monica's eyes were wide not quite believing what they'd heard nor what had just happened.

Rachel looked up at the ceiling, "guys, c'mon, it's on the ceiling." Making the others look up too,

Monica paused, before saying. "That's okay, this is more important than fruit on my ceiling! You broke up?!"

"Yeah, but it's okay because when Ross left Mark came over." Lily looked wide-eyed at Monica, who looked shocked and slightly angry.

"Rachel, you and Mark?!" She almost shouted as Rachel looked slightly panicked

"No, no-no, it's okay, calm down. Mark and I talked, and I realized how much I love your stupid brother, and, yeah, we got our problems, but I want to make it work." Rachel rushed, calming Monica and Lily down, hoping that both Ross and Rachel would have the decency to sort things out like adults.


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