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Lily was now around 6 months into the pregnancy, with James now having lived at Lily's apartment for 2 months, Lily was happy, or so she thought.

She loved being pregnant, she did, having a baby inside her that she knew one day she'd see on their first day of school and even last, but they wouldn't have a father, no one to help her raise them, all because he didn't want that baby, and that burden was laying heavy in Lily's heart, and she didn't know what to do about it.

Lily wanted to talk to chandler somehow, get him to explain to her why he didn't want the baby, or even for lily to try and change his mind about it, but she had no idea how to approach this idea.

Lily soon decided when going to find out the baby's gender, she would finally go speak to Chandler, in hopes that he would be happy knowing whether he was having a son or a daughter, and may even accept the baby.

"James!" Lily shouted to her best friend and roommate, who then replied.

"Yes, my darling?" He said, though not in his usual accent.

Lily rolled her eyes, "James, do stop doing your Freddie Mercury accent, you sound nothing like him, you could never be as fabulous." She smirked at the hurt look on his face, "anyway I'm going to the hospital for a scan, I'll be back soon."

"Okay, one, my Freddie Mercury accent is amazing, it's almost like we're twins. Two, that baby inside you shall be a boy, I expect the $20 in my hands when you find out."

Both James and Lily had different views on what the baby's gender would be, James, believing it was a boy, and Lily believing it was a girl.

"You wish Buddy," Lily chuckled.

James shook his head, "oh, Lily, when you get back I need to talk to you about something important." He said seriously, which Lily understood as definitely important, considering James was rarely serious.

"Something bad?" Lily looked concerned, as James waved a hand in dismissal and opened the door for her.

"Don't worry your pretty ginger head about it, just go get a scan so I can get my money." He told her as Lily returned his comment with a 'pfft' sound, hoping full well she wouldn't have to give him the bet money.

Leaving, Lily headed off to the hospital, where she checked in and waited to be called. Sitting in the hospital waiting section, Lily looked around at all the other pregnant women, sat with either husband's or boyfriends, smiling and happy, making Lily's heartache with a tinge of sadness, wondering what it would be like if only Chandler was there with her.

"Lilian George!" A nurse called out, awaiting Lily to follow her towards the room.

Inside stood a tall, brown-haired woman, with a clipboard and a warm smile to welcome her. Holding out her hand, the pair shook hands.

"Welcome Lily, here for a scan I see."

Lily smiled back at the doctor, "indeed I am."

"Let's take a look then shall we?" The doctor said warmly, putting gel upon lily's stomach, with a picture appearing upon the screen.

It was then Lily heard the baby's heartbeat, bringing back all the joy into lily's mind, no longer feeling the heartache that she felt before.

"Seems like the baby is perfectly healthy," the doctor told her. "Would you like to know the gender now?"

Lily nodded with excitement, "please."

The doctor looked for another moment before speaking, "congratulations miss George, you're having a healthy baby girl."

At the words heard, Lily's face lit up with delight, not only because of the news but also because James money was hers. It was now for her to come face to face with Chandler with the news when she built up the courage.


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