t w e n t y - f o u r

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"What? What is it? Don't just stand there tell me!" Lily exclaimed, becoming increasingly impatient with her friends.

"Lil, you're pregnant," Phoebe told her, wide smiled spreading onto each other the girl's faces.

"Bollocks." Lily breathed, not exactly knowing what to think of the situation.

Rachel looked confused, "you're not happy about it?"

"I am, I'm over the moon, but I'm still scared. Having a child is a big deal, it's not like having a pet, it's a real human being. But, what will chandler say? Will he stay? You know how he is, he only just stops jumping at the thought of going to a meal with me, let alone having a human being to look after, he already has Joey to look after." Lily explained to her, not realizing that she was holding her non-existent bump.

Monica sat now next to her slowing, pulling her in for a hug. "I think, that whether Chandler wants the baby or not, you will love and raise this child unconditionally and they couldn't ask for a better mother." She smiled as the two other girls hugged Lily, all the girls crying almost happy tears.

"I think they'll have the best aunts," Lily whispered, crying slightly as the girls chuckled.

It then dawned upon Phoebe that she and Lily may be pregnant at the same time. "Ooh, that'll be so fun! We can share maternity clothes!" She told her, almost jumping with excitement.

Lily patted Phoebe on the back, laughing. "Sure, pheebs, whatever you want."

Later on, whilst the news was still sinking in, Lily sat in Chandler's apartment biting her thumb, thinking.

It was soon after that Joey walked in, and to no surprise, was eating.

"Hey Joe," lily smiled as he gave her a toothy grin.

"Hey Lil, Chandler's still at work, what are you doing here?" He asked, still munching on his food.

"Just thinking," she told him as he looked confused.

"About?" He said slowly, wanting to know more.

Lily chuckled slightly, not believing the words that came out her mouth.

"I'm pregnant," she told him as Joey looked as though he could faint.

"I-is it Chandler's?" He ask as Lily threw her hands up in the air.

"Seriously, what is it with people asking me that? Why would I sleep with someone else?" She asked and Joey put his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry, sorry. Just didn't think Chandler was all that good in that sort of situation."

Lily looked at him, eyebrows furrowed. "Joey. Shut up." Joey smiled, nodding his head. She then sat down, putting her head on his shoulder.

"You won't tell him will you, I think it needs to come personally from me." She told him, knowing he wouldn't be able to keep the secret safe for long.

Joey made a zipping gesture over his mouth, "nope. Your secrets safe with me." She smiled as a sign of gratitude towards her friend, though still terrified at the thought of telling her boyfriend, not knowing how he would react.

"When are you going to tell him?" Joey asked as Lily shrugged her shoulders.

"The next time I see him, I guess." She told him as Joey looked at the clock.

"Won't be long then, he'll be home in about 20 minutes."

Lily felt a pool of nausea build up in her stomach, "brilliant."


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