birthday presents (read description)

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*This story is written from young Albus Dumbledore's point of view.
Enjoy <3*

It was a hot, summer night. I couldn't sleep. The moon was shining too bright and my mind was overcome with thoughts..

I thought about Ariana: she was getting worse every day. I couldn't help but think that it would be better to get rid of her. I immediately regret that thought. How could I think such a thing? She's my sister. Since when have I become such a horrible person?
My thoughts flashed to Gellert. My best friend..

No. He isn't my friend. He isn't even like a brother. The relationship we have is way closer..
Almost as if we're lovers..
But does he love me?
I think he does.. Aberforth said he's manipulating me. But what does he know about him? He doesn't have any friends.
-Expect for his goats- I snorted.
He's so pathetic..
He's your brother.
Not much of a brother though, is he? All he does is-
*tap tap*
Someone was at the window. I layed still for a second.
*tap tap tap*
I finally looked up at the window. I saw a young, handsome, blond-haired boy looking at me, smiling.
I smiled back at him and opened the window.
-Hello.- he said -Took you long enough..
-Sorry. I was sleeping.- I lied. I wouldn't tell him I was scared.
-It's fine, Al. Now, you probably know why I came here.
I stared at him.
-No..not really.
He rolled his eyes.
-Ow, come on! It's your birthday!
-It's my-what?
Oh crap, I forgot.
-It's your birthday! And I've come to give you your presents.-he said, still smiling.
His smile is so beautiful..
I blush.
-Aw, thanks. But you didn't have to..
-Of course I had to!- he said passing me a small, rectangular package.
-This one is from Bathilda. I think she got you a book. I told her that you've already got enough books but she wouldn't listen. Anyways, I hope my present will be a bit better..
I opened the package. She got me a book about Transfiguration that I've already read, but I smiled and told Gellert to thank her for the present.
-Now. I guess it's time for my present..- Gellert said.
I realized he looked a bit nervous. Something that's not usual for someone as confident as Gellert Grindelwald.
I then realized how close we were sitting next to each other.
He put his hand on my face, slightly stroking it.
I felt my heart beating faster.
-I want you to never forget me.- he whispered.
-I'll never forget you.- I whispered back.
He leaned in a bit closer and pressed his lips against mine.
I couldn't believe it. Gellert Grindelwald was actually kissing me!
After a few seconds he broke away and opened his eyes.
-Happy birthday.- he said, blushing.
-Thank you..- I replied slightly dazzed.
He walked up to the window.
-I'll have to go now. Bathilda will be wondering where I went.
-I'll come in the morning if that'll be alright.- He added
-Of course!- I said, smiling at him.
-Goodnight, Albus.
-Goddnight!- I replied.
I looked at the window and watched him disappear into the darkness.
It's a hot, summer night. The moon is shining and everyone's asleep. And I'm here, laying on my bed, thinking of Gellert Grindelwald.

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