Geocentrism's Part in Astrology

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In this lesson, I'll be clearing up some questions about what geocentrism does in astrology. This is like the big scientific sweep off and you NEED TO KNOW THIS TO LEARN FURTHER INTO ASTROLOGY or you'll be confused


Geocentrism: the belief that planets orbit around the earth

Heliocentrism: All planets orbit the sun 

[PART B]  

-Zodiac signs are based on constellations. 

-These constellations surround the very border of the sky map *********

-These constellations surround the very border of the sky map *********

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[PART C]  

When we say a planet is "in" a sign, what it means is: 

1. You understand zodiac signs are named after constellations and on the edge of the sky map

2. you use a telescope and saw mars

3. you draw out where the zodiac constellations are in the sky (say, aries in north west xx degree)

4. you see mars in north west xx degree

5. (because constellations are just random stars and are not necessarily the same distance,) mars will be either in front, between, or behind constellation Aries (think from a 3D sky view)

6. And that's how we call a planet is in a sign, Mars in Aries.


"Sun in [sign]? But the sun doesn't orbit around anything?"

How astrology has it modernly speaking:

Because the earth orbits the sun so we see as if the sun is moving through signs. And that's how we get sun in different signs. Based on earth's point of view. 

Understanding this lesson (Especially part C) will be very helpful for the next lesson on planetary dignities 

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