Will she forgive me? :o

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I hate myself. I can't even describe how much I love her . I messed it all up. I gained her trust and I've done something bad with it. I never mean to do these things. I slept on the bedroom floor and just tortured myself as I thought about how happy we were.

"Jc." I hear Lia say at 12:47. I was still awake, I couldn't go to sleep with this guilt.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I know that this is dangerous and stupid but I can't help the fact that," she took a deep breath. "I love you, Jc."

I stood up and looked at her. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she wore a long tshirt.

"Y-you really forgive me?" I asked.

"Maybe not completely but that doesn't change the fact that I love you." She said with her cheeks red. I had the biggest smile in the world, I felt like Wishbone when I give him my leftover sausages. I ran up and hugged her.

"I'll never loose you again." I told her.

"Jc, please try to not turn on me, on anyone. I have to be with you, we're like magnets! But please don't do anything like that again. I know it wasn't you thinking." She said as she played with my hair.

"Oh Lia! I promise!" I said happily as I started kissing her all around her face.

"Ugh Jc, gross!" She said. I kept kissing her until she giggled. Then I kissed her, this time I didn't do it like it was a regular thing, it meant a lot to me. I knew I was so close to loosing her. Then she fell asleep in my arms, I really love her.


Breakfast at the hotel was amazing today. As I finished my second pancake, Jc picked me up bridal style off my chair.

"Jc?" I asked.

"Yes, m'lady?" He asked. I giggled, I loved how he suprised me. He put me in the front seat of our rental car and drove to the beach.

Then he stopped right before a cliff and helped me out.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Look over the cliff." He said. I looked over the edge if it and saw beautiful, clear blue water below us. I saw colourful fish and shells down there.

"Are we doing what I think we're doing?" I asked.

"We sure are." He said as he picked me up, ran to the edge and jumped off with me in his arms. Even though I was falling from a cliff, I felt safe in Jc's arms. I don't know if I'm being too trusting, he did try to strip me yesterday. But I couldn't help but hug him tightly as we fell into the warm blue ocean.

As my head popped to the surfaced, I laughed. I felt so happy right now.

"Do ya like it?" Jc asked.

"Of course!" I said. We played, swam, and kissed until it started getting dark. Then he carried me to shore and layed me down on the sand. He lay next to me and we stared into each other's eyes until we laughed historically that cheesy moment.

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