[ Chapter Twelve ] - Tristian

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Truth is, I had an entire chapter planned out, but with Christmas literally around the corner, I thought... Hm, how about I write from the perspective of Tristian Jefferies for once.

So here's this!

P.S, everything contained within this chapter is what I had initially planned to happen a while ago. So yeah.... that's all I'm going to say ;)

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"Jasmin made a rather valid point to tell me you've been associating with that girl a lot lately, Eleanor." Colton hissed out her name with evident disdain, his expression matching his voice. I openly frowned, confused by where his hatred towards Eleanor had come from.

"I don't see how that's any of your concern." My response involuntarily came off as a scoff, rolling my eyes when he purposely blocked the doorway.

"What's up with you? Hopefully she isn't frying your brain to make you believe that she's actually a good person." His tone held severe disbelief. Sam, Aiden and Elijah, three of our closest friends, walked in at that exact moment to witness Colton and I in a semi-heated discussion.

"You don't know her." I gritted out, feeling oddly defensive over the girl who messed with my head all the damn time. It made the rational side of my brain always turn to mush.

"I don't know her?" He took a long stride forward, a snarl visible his lips as he spoke once again. "I know everything about her, and maybe if you weren't so delusional and oblivious, then you-"

"Hey, Colton man, lay off-"

"Shut up, Aiden." Colton venomously scowled, his eyes falling back to me.
"Since you can't seem to put the obvious pieces of the puzzle together, remember this, the Morgans have killed our members." He brutally shouldered past me before leaving the room.

Sam, Aiden and Elijah all peered at me with lost expressions, waiting for any orders regarding an extremely pissed off Colton.

I massaged the bridge of my nose. "Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Though we disagreed on multiple occasions, Colton was still my best friend.

Without another word said, I left the mafia house and went to my grandparents empty house, the address I gave Eleanor.

She'd ask too many questions if I brought her to a house larger than our school...

• • •

"The Morgans have killed our members."

That one sentence alone replayed in my mind like a broken record.

I rested my head in my hands, maybe Colton was right. I had always been so abundantly delusion and oblivious to everything.

Gradually, I thought of what he said.

The Morgans had been a massive rival of our mafia for decades. My father had always looked down on them, despite the fact that they were, in fact, higher than us in ranking.

He had too much pride to bow down to the leader of that mafia, and following in his lead, so did I.

And everyone else in our mafia, Colton especially.

But why would Colton bring up that specific mafia and Eleanor?

Then it suddenly struck me like a ton of bricks, she never mentioned a surname.

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