[ Chapter Five ]

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I rapidly knocked on my father's office door, growing louder and louder with each thrust. Christian desperately attempted to calm me down by whispering a series of soothing words.

It was successful.

When I was 12.

Now I'm a cranky 18-year-old who doesn't care if she 'accidentally' kicks the door off its hinges.

"Come in!" My father sounded extremely aggravated by the ruckus I was causing outside until I harshly shoved the door open and watched as his face immediately faltered.

"Ellie wh-"

"Did you seriously think I wouldn't find out about your little scheme?! You went against my back and told everyone I agreed to lead this group when you retire? Are you insane?!" I couldn't contain the anger that rolled off me in heat waves, a vicious snarl rooted on my lip.

"Calm down Ellie. You should know how the system works. You are my only child and therefore are automatically best-"

"Oh don't give me that system bullshit!" I cut in, Christian's faint gasp overheard from behind me. "I'm no one's t-toy, dad." I felt my voice tremor slightly before I regained myself.

"I'll go along with this fake story of yours, don't you worry, but just so you know, I don't want you to ever mention my name in any of your meetings again. I chose what I agree too, not you so don't undermine me, father, because I will not tolerate being treated as someone's puppet." I stood my ground as a 'warrior' would, disbelief and vexation overtaking all of my senses. His face held nothing short of remorse, pain and guilt, his mouth opening and closing as if he was lost for words.

With my point made across, I sent him one last scowl before I waltzed out of his office, Christian right beside me.

I walked straight out of the house after that, blurring each and every voice that requested where I was going.

I had no destination.

The moment I saw my precious Dodge Neon SRT-4 sitting the garage compartment, I knew it was the car I wanted to take.

"You can't come. I just want some alone time, I hope you can understand." I told Christian, my hand hovering over the door handle.

"Unfortunately, in your case, I don't understand." He walked over to the passenger side, waiting for me to unlock the car with a small smile ignited on his lips. "However, what I do understand is that there's no way in hell I'm leaving you alone." I knew instantly that there was no point in protesting against him, he was one persistent kid when need be.

Plus, I was too exhausted. Today had been a long one.

Once he and I were safely buckled in, I reversed and went to the gate, "I have to go somewhere, Derek. Do you mind opening the gates?"

"I most certainly do not Ms Morgan. You have a great time!" Obviously, my father hadn't tried to stop me from leaving, which I was grateful for at the least. "Thanks, enjoy the rest of your day."

I didn't catch his response because I slammed down on the acceleration as soon as the gates opened and bolted out of there, prepared to distance myself from that place as much as possible.

• • •

Barista Paradise.

The familiar block letters stood proudly positioned on top of the small diner.

When Christian and I were younger, it was mandatory for us to sneak off to this place whenever we felt uneasy.

This was one of those times.

"You remembered." He sighed in a state of perplexion, his eyes focused on the diner as I found a spot to park in.

Thankfully, the diner wasn't that popular and lacked large amounts of customers.

I gawked at him out the corner of my eye with a look of sincerity, "I never forgot." He seemed ecstatic with my response and the diner that he bolted out of the car, marching towards it confidently as if he were returning home for the first time in years.

I smiled at his retreating figure, even though I acted as if he was a rightful pain in my ass, he really wasn't.

In fact, he was the complete opposite.

I followed after him. "Everything looks the same," I finally declared when inside, taking a moment to properly look around.

"You two behave now," Mom warned Christian and me, ruffling our hair in unison with her usual, beautiful smile in motion.

"Don't be too harsh on your father either. He's very tired." She looked at me in particular, a giggle escaping my lips as I felt her fingers squeeze my cheeks in a playful manner.

"I'll see you two at home." She smiled, although this time, it didn't quite seem to reach her eyes. I frowned at my discovery, quickly brushing it away.

"I love you, mommy." I squealed, hoping her soft smile would reignite. Unfortunately, it didn't.

"I love you too, baby." With that said, she hastily left the dinner before my father returned.

I never saw her again...

"Hey, are you okay?"

Christian was too young at the time, he wouldn't remember it.

Not like I would.

I furiously blinked, turning to Christian with a forced smirk.

Smiling wasn't exactly my forté.

"Obviously," lies, "now, enough talking about me. Let's order." I observed in amusement how Christian instantly lit up at the mention of food, his hands gripping onto the menu.

I doubted he needed it though, especially since we both had the entire menu practically memorized from page to page.

"The usual?" He stuck his head over the thin booklet, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"The usual." I strongly agreed, returning the look.

I felt content in that moment, but guilt still continued to gnaw at my insides as each second passed, compelling me to feel distant and empty.

Why was I always like this?

• • •

I'm sorry for always making this story so depressing and glum :') but it WILL go uphill from here on out, and Tristian will make another appearance in the next chapter so stay tuned ;)

Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed! :)


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