2 // a terrifying drive with liam's scary friend.

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The next day I was home alone. I woke up to find a note from Stiles implying that he had gone to do something with Scott and dad was at work. I was bored the entire day...up until the moment I heard steady honking of a car horn outside my house. I opened the front door, it was dark outside and I hadn't even noticed. Why was Stiles still gone? I saw Liam sitting in the drivers seat waving me over. I walked up to him and noticed a brunette girl sitting in the seat across from him.

"Get in. Stiles told me to pick you up, said that he didn't like you being alone at night." Liam says, the girl in the passenger seat looked quite annoyed to be here. I hesitantly got in the backseat and Liam drove away. I glanced at the girl.

"What's your name?" I asked her, she turned to me and smiled fakely.

"Hayden. I've heard alot about you from Liam here. He speaks fondly of you." Hayden says glaring at me, then at Liam.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, I had a feeling that Hayden did not appreciate me in the slightest.

"No, it's fine." Liam glances at me through the rearview mirror. He looked... Concerned? For me?


I opened my eyes at the feeling of being lifted upwards, still inside Liam's car but Liam and Hayden were gone. I groaned and suddenly with a loud crash the car was level again. I opened the car door and stepped out.

"What's going on?" I asked, groggily walking towards Liam at the back of the car.

"The car broke down and I don't have any tools." Liam says, frustration made it's way into his voice.

"Liam! Maybe they have a spare jack." Hayden yells from where I suppose was at the front of the vehicle. I spotted a pair of headlights, then a whole car came into view. The car was going unnaturally slow. Slow enough to make me feel uneasy, I slowly eased behind Liam and gripped his arm without realizing it. He didn't seem to mind though. Hayden gave me a death glare as the car came to a stop in front of us, slightly rolling into a fence. Liam put an arm in front of Hayden and I as he eased towards the car slowly and opened the door. Empty. It was empty. I noticed the windshield had been smashed out and the passenger side door was ripped from it's hinges and nowhere to be seen. Liam looked back at me.

"Get back in the car Kylie." Liam says and sits in the driver's seat of the abandoned car. Before I could reply Liam suddenly yells "hey!" And a boy about the age of thirteen ran out of the backseat, Hayden grabbed his arm quicker than he could run and he struggled against her. Liam helped her hold him...and I stood back, afraid.

"Please don't let them take me!" The boy screamed. "Don't let them take me too!"

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