4 // coyote to girl...what?

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I waited impatiently in Stiles's jeep. He refused to let me walk around with him and his friends but I still had a perfect view of them from the windshield. I didn't know where Malia had went, she just kind of left I guess. The other girl that had come along who's name I found out to be Lydia was currently sitting inside the vehicle that Alex had ran out of. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I saw Stiles and Lydia get out of the vehicle. Then, a grey frigure ran up to the group... Was that... A coyote? Since when does California have coyotes? I thought it was about to hurt one of them, coyote's are known to be vicious. I opened the jeep door.

"Stiles! Look ou-" I stopped when the coyote grew and shifted until a naked girl sat where it had a few seconds before. I couldn't see her face but Lydia handed the girl some clothes. Suddenly, I recognized her...Malia. I saw Stiles turn to make sure I was still in his Jeep but when he saw me staring speechless in shock I could tell he had cursed.

"Kylie! I told you to stay in the car!" Stiles yells as I walk over to them. I pointed at Malia and struggled to speak.

"She...She was a coyote like five seconds ago." I stammered and Stiles nervously played with his hand.

"Nope. You were dreaming." Stiles nods. I shook my head.

"Stiles! I'm not some little girl! I can't be tricked like that! What the hell is going on?" I yelled, louder than I wanted. Stiles looked taken back but I stood my ground.

"We'll explain later." Scott interrupted and Stiles shot him a glare. "She needs to know."

"No, she doesn't." Stiles says... Frustrated. Suddenly, Stiles phone rings and he sighed in relief and answered.

"Jesus Christ Liam, I was about to get Scott to sniff you out." Stiles suddenly looked at me as if realizing what he just said. 'Sniff Liam out' what in the world? "Please come pick up Kylie, she's seen way to much than she should have."


It wasn't long until I was sitting in the passenger seat of Liam's car, apparently he'd dropped Hayden off.

"Will you tell me something? Truthfully? My brother's being a douche." I ask, breaking the silence between us. Liam glanced at me before nodding.

"I'll try my best." He says and I gather up my words so that they might make since.

"What did Stiles mean by Scott sniffing you out'?" I ask as casually as I can. I could see Liam hesitate.

"If I tell you...you have to swear to not tell Stiles I told you." Liam says cautiously.

"You have my word." I promise. Liam hesitates once again.

"Scott has...my scent. Along with the rest of his packs'" Liam says as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Scent? Pack?" I ask, still not understanding one bit. "What are they a pack of wolves or something?" It was just a joke but according to Liam's face expression, I'd hit a bullseye.

"Not...exactly. More like werewolves, Except Stiles is human. Lydia's a banshee. Scott and I are werewolves, and Malia is a werecoyote. Scott's our alpha." Liam explains.

"Is this some kind of sick prank?" I ask, staring at Liam intensely, taking in all his features. His eyes were blue, a ocean color blue.

"I wish." Liam says. "It's all true but you didn't hear it from me."

"Hey..." I begin, recovering from my shock and attempting to change the subject. "Will you wait for me at school in the morning? It's the first day for me and I'm a little freaked out."

"Yeah... Sure." Liam nods and I smile half-heartedly.

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