22 // liam to the rescue

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Mason, Hayden, and I kept frantically walking around calling for Corey.

"You can always find him, even when he's invisible, so find him." I say to Mason and he shook his head.

"This time is different." Mason says.

"The train will be arriving in seven minutes"

"Wait...that's him. That's Corey's voice." Mason says and stares up at the speaker.

"Are you sure?" Hayden asks.

Mason nods. "I know his smile, I know his posture, I know everything about him, I definitely know his voice."

Suddenly we hear a horse clomping down the train tunnel. Everyone knew what that was and they ran to hide against the benches. But who was riding on that horse wasn't a Ghost Rider...it was Liam Dunbar. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"When'd you learn how to ride a horse?" I ask jokingly and he smiled.

"Just now." He says and puts his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him before kissing me deeply. I could feel Mason and Hayden looking at us, but I didn't care. When we pulled away Mason cleared his throat and started following the wires connected to the speaker.

"What's he looking for?" Liam whispers to me.

"He's looking for Corey, we can't find him anywhere." I reply and Liam nods. Mason walked to a door and pushed it open without the slightest bit of hesitation. I gasped when we saw Corey in terrible shape. He had tubes all in his body and there were wires everywhere. He was bleeding.

"The train will be arriving in five minutes." Corey mumbled, he flinched with every word.

"We-We have to get these out of him." Mason says and touches a metal piece that was inserted in his forearm and Corey let out a cry of pain.

"Not yet...we have to wait for Scott to disrupt the train." Liam says.

"We can't just leave him like this!" Mason yells, he had grabbed Corey's hand to comfort him.

"You have to try and save everyone, right?" Corey mumbled, taking Mason's hand.

"How do we save you?" Mason said. I could see the tears welling up in his eyes so I quickly grabbed his other hand and shot Liam a look, mentally asking him what he thinks we should do. Before he could even meet my gaze, suddenly, Liam looked up just like he always did when he heard Scott.

"Now!" He yelled. Mason and I both started to pull everything out of Corey's body, fighting the urge to not hurt him. With every scream Corey let out another person vanished in a cloud until everyone was back in the real world.


"Stiles! It's your last day at high school, ever. How do you feel?" I said, skipping up to him at his blue Jeep where Liam, Mason, and Scott stood. I enlaced my hand through Liam's without thinking.

"Terrible." Stiles mumbled and turned to Liam. "So, since your the new alpha-"

"I'm not an alpha," Liam cut him off. "I'd have to kill an alpha to-"

I giggled and Stiles waved his hands in front of his face to get Liam to stop. "The most important thing you need to remember is that Kylie, my beloved sister, and Mason are going to be the ones that have to save your ass most of the time."

"Not all the time," Scott added.

"Yeah, most of the time." Stiles said, keeping a straight face. "Which is why, you need this." Stiles pulled out his silver baseball bat and handed it to Mason like it was a priceless piece.

"I don't play baseball," Mason said, cracking a smile. I tugged Liam's hand and led him and Mason away from Scott and Stiles so that they could say their goodbyes. I knew I'd have to say goodbye to Stiles soon but I wanted to procrastinate as much as possible.

"Are you gonna be okay? With Stiles leaving and everything?" Liam asked. I nodded slowly and took a deep breath.

"I think so. Only if you promise not to leave me, or, you know, kill someone to become the alpha." I grinned. "Oh! And you have to get along with Theo, because Theo saved my life and we have a connection." I was teasing Liam to see his reaction and he gave a pretty good one. His mouth falling open and he raised a jealous eyebrow.

"A connection?" He asked.

"Yup," I smiled and skipped away toward where Hayden stood by the doors to the school.


Lydia was waiting outside for Stiles. She'd be driving him to his college to help him move into his dorms. I refused to release Stiles from my hug.

"I have to go eventually Kylie," He whispered, I could hear the sadness in his voice too. "I'll call, I'll visit, I'll still kill Liam if he hurts you. I'll still be your big brother, okay?"

I finally nodded and pulled away. "Okay, I can do this. I can be without you, I'll survive."

Stiles smiled. "Yeah, you'll be okay."




My Teen Wolf phase is completely over but I completed this for you guys. Listen, thank you so much for reading this. I'm sorry for leaving you all for two years but I decided to be nice and finish the story with one last chapter.

I'm sorry if this chapter sucks but at least it's here!


ps feel free to read my other fanfiction, I promise...most of them are finished.

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