14 // i'm left behind

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Scott had told Liam to watch after me on the field to make sure The Hunt doesn't show up and take me. Can I just say...I suck at lacrosse. Most of the time the other team would steal the ball from me and score, or sometimes they'd just hit me and steal the ball. I was just about to give up when Liam threw the ball in my direction. I looked up and it dropped directly into my net. I ran towards the goal.

"Go! Go! Go!" Liam and Scott were covering me and tackling anyone who tried to hit me. I finally got a clear shot and threw the ball into the net. Right whenever I shot I was tackled off my feet, I gigantic guy had rammed me. I heard a snap from my wrist and nearly screamed. I just lay there cradling my wrist just as rain began to pour. I felt someone grab my waist and pick me up.

"They're here! Are you okay?" It was Liam. I looked up at him and nodded, but winced from my wrist.

"You hurt your wrist." Liam says and takes my hand. "Scott can usually take away pain, maybe I can too."

Liam's eyes suddenly glew yellow and his veins turned purple and visible but my wrist wasn't hurting anymore. He grabbed my arm and we ran into the middle of the field with the others. I glanced over at the bleachers and saw Mason and Hayden talking then they ran into the school. Then, I saw The Hunt. I grabbed Liam's arm and he turned to me.

"You're gonna be okay." He says and I nod, trusting him. Suddenly with the sound of a gunshot and a blast of green smoke, one of the lacrosse players were gone. I screamed. There was another gunshot and another blast of green smoke and another player was gone. Before long everyone was gone, erased. I was the only one left and Scott, Liam, and Corey all surrounded me.

"Protect Kylie!" I heard Scott yell. I was so afraid, I didn't know what to do. I glanced at one of the Ghost Rider's and he had his pistol pointed directly at me, I let go of Liam's arm and backed away. But right at the last second I saw Liam pounce and knock the Ghost Rider off his horse.

"Liam!" Scott yelled. Then, another one pointed it's gun at me just as Liam rejoined the circle. Liam saw it and pounced that one too.

"I'm not letting them take her!" Liam yelled and suddenly with the blast of wind the Hunt was gone. My knees buckled, and I fell to the ground. My mind was racing. My breathing was sped up and my sight was blurred. I gripped my head and felt three pairs of arms on me, I guessed that it was Liam, Scott, and Corey.

"They left me behind...Why did they leave me behind?" I ask and I kept repeating it over and over without realizing it.

"She's having a panic attack. Sheriff Stilinski says that their family has a history of panic attacks." Scott says, his voice sounded like it was underwater.

"How do we stop it?" That was Corey...or was it Liam? I couldn't tell.

"You have to distract her someway. Make her stop freaking out." Scott...I think. My head was bulging. After a few moments of hesitation from the boys I suddenly felt the warm touch of someone's lips on mine. It helped. My breathing slowed down and I was calm. I looked at Liam who was blushing.

"I-I...What?" I stammered.

"You were having a panic attack. Liam stepped in, kissed you, and you calmed down." Scott explains. I look over at Liam and tackled him in a hug.

"Thank you. That was horrifying." I whisper and feel him nod.

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