19 // theo saves my life

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Wc; 867

"How exactly do we get one of the Ghost Riders in the cage?" Liam asks Mason once the plan had been told. They had a lightning rod set up to where The Ghost Rider would show up in a specific spot outside of the cage.

"Someone has to be bait." Scott says.

"I'll do it." Hayden immediately speaks up. "I'm faster than all of you anyways."

Nobody declined, even though it was dangerous somebody had to be bait and Hayden had volunteered.


At nightfall we set the plan into motion. My "bad feeling" got worse and worse with each hour that passed. I kept Instinctivly looking at Corey. Suddenly Corey walked over to me.

"Are you guys sure Kylie isn't something supernatural? A banshee maybe?" Corey asks and everyone looks at him like he was crazy.

"What?" I ask him.

"You keep saying you have a bad feeling about this plan and you keep looking at me like I'm gonna drop dead at any second." Corey says and Scott looks at him, then at me.

"I-I'm not. I'm okay." I stutter just when suddenly we hear thunder.

"Okay, Hayden are you sure about this?" Scott asks and Hayden nods. I follow the boys outside and wait. We wait until we hear the scream from Hayden significantly telling us that the Ghost Rider had showed up. We all ran inside. Liam had already closed one side of the cage after Hayden got out and now Scott was struggling to pull the other gate closed. The Ghost Rider was easing closer and closer. Theo ran up and tried to help Scott close the gate but the rider grabbed his arm and started to pull him. Theo screamed in frustration. He kept screaming at Scott to keep closing the gate even though his arm was there. Liam ran up and pulled Theo away and Scott finally got the gate closed.

"We did it." I mumbled then smiled. "We trapped it."

Suddenly the Ghost Rider lifted his hands and the wind sped up. I bit my lip hoping the cage held. And it did.

"We need to try to talk to it." Scott suggests and everyone was quiet until Liam cleared his throat.

"Um, Mr. Ghost Rider...Or Mr. Rider." Liam stutters everyone looks at him. "How do we get Stiles back?"

The Ghost Rider is quiet.

"It's not talking." I state the obvious.

"What if it can't hear us." Scott says, and suddenly the door opens and Parrish walks in.

I grinned and looked at Liam. "Your best friend is smart."

Liam looks at me with a confused look.

"None of us saw it. Parrish can talk to him, that's what he was doing at the party. Hellhounds must be able to talk to dead people, Parrish is a messenger of death. " I say and Liam looks at me in realization. Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach a gripped Liam's arm.

"What's wrong?" Liam asks.

"I'm not a banshee, I know. But something bad is about to happen." I say and look at Liam. When suddenly we both hear a voice, the Ghost Rider.

"We are The Wild Hunt, whoever hunts with us hunts forever."

I looked at Parrish who was staring at The Ghost Rider closely as if he was listening to it. Suddenly Parrish burst into flames.

"What's he doing?" I ask and Parrish steps on the line of mountain ash that was lined around the cage just in case.

"He's freeing him." Scott says and Liam moves from beside me as him and Scott grab the hellhound and try to push him out of the door. After a long time of struggling the boys finally get the hellhound out of the cabin, leaving Theo and I alone. We were silently freaking out for a bit until we heard the door slam open, I backed up and saw Mr. Douglas standing there.

"Mr. Douglas? What are you doing?" I ask, backing closer to Theo. Before I could get farther back Mr. Douglas grabs my arm and digs his claws into it. I gasp in pain and he drags me over to the cage.

"Break the line." Mr. Douglas says, referring to the line of mountain ash.

"No." I mumble under my breath painfully. He dug his claws deeper into my arm and yelp.

"Hey! She can't break it! Scott bit her." Theo lies and I turn to him. Mr. Douglas hesitates but throws me to the ground and grabs Theo. I scooted back until I was against a wall, gripping my bloody arm. I saw Mr. Douglas dig his claws into Theo's back. I was crying. Theo slid his foot over the mountain ash and broke the line. Mr. Douglas released Theo and he crawled over to me.

"You okay?" He asks and I nod just as we hear the gate to the cage open. I look up just in time to see Mr. Douglas attacked The Ghost Rider and bite into his head. I cringe and hug Theo's arm. Mr. Douglas reached into The Ghost Riders scull and pulled out a portion of his brain and bit into it. I mentally gagged. Mr. Douglas took The Ghost Riders whip and walked out without glancing twice at Theo and I.

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