21 // i finally tell hayden

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I wake up when I feel myself being thrown. I push myself up and look around, there were so many people. I looked beside me and saw Mason and Hayden standing up too. I attack Mason in a hug, then Hayden. Suddenly I hear my name.

"Kylie?" The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place it to a face. I was looking around trying to find the person who said my name. The place where I was dropped off at looked like a train station. There were people reading magazines, but nobody was speaking.

"The train will be arriving in fifteen minutes."

Everyone in the station stood up and came walking towards the tracks. I pushed through the crowd until I saw a familiar face. He was staring at me with a mixture of concern, fear, love, happiness, and sadness. He pushed through the remaining crowd and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him.

"Stiles?" I say, partly asking a question and partly telling him that I knew who he was.

"It's me." I heard him whisper and I pulled away from him and started looking around the station.

"Where's Corey?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"Corey's here?" Stiles asks and I nod.

"Mason's worried sick. He hasn't been himself without Corey around." I say and Stiles looks around the station.

"The train will be arriving in ten minutes."

Suddenly Stiles stiffened.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I hear Lydia. She's calling my name." Stiles says and he looks down the train tunnel. We could see a bright light.

"Oh gosh, bright white lights are not good signs." I groan and look at Stiles.

"I'm gonna go. You stay here and look for Corey. I'll come back." Stiles says and I give him one last hug.

"The train will be arriving in eight minutes."

I look around after Stiles left and search through the crowd for Hayden, Mason, or Corey, maybe even Liam. I finally spotted Hayden and I ran to her, it was good to see someone from home. Hayden and I have had our downfalls but she's all I have. I tackle Hayden in a hug and she doesn't even hesitate to hug back.

"Where are we?" Hayden asks one I release her. I look around the train station and shrug.

"Where's Mason?" I ask.

"He's somewhere looking for Corey, he's okay." Hayden says and I nod and slide down a wall until in sitting on the floor. Hayden sits beside me and sighs. I shift and pull my sleeves over my hands and look at Hayden. I need to tell someone. Hayden just happened to be here.

"Do you know why I left Beacon Hills a few years ago?" I say and Hayden looks up at me.

"Scott said you were sick, he wouldn't go into detail." Hayden says and I sigh.

"That's what I told him and Stiles to say. Do you want to know what really happened?" I asked her and she gave me a sympathy look like she had an idea.

"You don't have to tell me." She says and I nod.

"I know, but I need to tell someone." I say and she nods. I begin at the beginning. "After my mother died I was a complete mess, I was worse than my dad. My mom and I had always been close and when she died my life crumbled. I remember one day being picked on at school for something stupid but it made everything worse. So, later that day I thought I was home alone and I tried to hurt myself, badly. Turns out Stiles came home from Scott's house early, he found me laying on the ground of the bathroom, bleeding. My dad flipped out and Stiles has been protective ever since. My dad sent me to Iechan for five years until I went a year without hurting myself." I finished my story and wiped my wet eyes. Hayden was crying too, she hugged me and we saw Mason walking towards us.

"The train will be arriving in six minutes."

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