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"Y/N!!" Your best friend waved for you, at the school's gate.

With fast steps you reached her, she was so damn beautiful and everything you wanted to be. Thin, tall, long silky hair, sense of fashion and pretty popular. Some people even said she kept you by her side to humiliate you like she needed to confirm she is more pretty than you, but you don't think that makes sense. She is so nice to you, share her secrets and always cheer you up when you feel down.

Her name is Mia, you know her for 3 years already, today was your first day on the Highschool and honestly, you were pretty afraid.

Why? Well, let's say you've been facing some problems with your classmates since ever, they like to call you offensive names and set pranks with you. You have a nickname they gave you, but let's leave this on the's better.


The class was sure pretty full of new students, sadly you didn't look at any of them because you don't dare to look up, there's always someone laughing at you or pointing you. Also, there's that other problem, they always say the chair will break if you sit and that's why nobody wants to sit close to you.

Mia has other friends, she's not always with you, but she has saved you from many difficult moments in the past. Oh, she also has a boyfriend and seems like he's attending to out school now, but he is older and will come to pick her at the break.

You head straight to the end of the classroom, to sit where you usually always sit. For your surprise, there's a boy sitting there already. He had his face down covered by the hood, his back resting on the chair, crossed arms and by you can see, headphones. His foot resting over the desk and he has crossed legs.

There was only one sit beside him, and then, no more sits. You watched the room hesitantly, but in the end, you sat there, trying your best to not be noticed.


At lunchtime, you went to your secret place, far from the school building, you sat under the tree that hides you from everyone and unpacked your snacks. Honestly, people always say you eat too much and you should diet, but you always have been fat. Your blood tests are good, you eat small portions of food, lots of fruits and yes, you do exercise. You just don't starve yourself, your mom always said this is not healthy.

You were relaxed listening to your music with headphones, resting your back on the tree and chewing your snack when someone crossed before you and lay down over a bench few steps away from you. You startled removing your headphones and checking around, however, it was that same guy from earlier. He had only cold cappuccino drink on his hands and, of course, headphones on.

The uncomfortable atmosphere didn't let you finish your snack, you just packed your things and left the fast you could, you just wanted to stay unnoticed.


"Grab her!" One of the 3 girls shout and the others grabbed you.

"Please, just let me go.." You murmured checking around.

They dragged you to the rooftop, you had no strength against them. They took your belongings and threw it all on the floor. Everything that was inside your backpack was now on the floor before you.

"You stole my phone!" The taller girl said pointing you.

"Where did you put, you pig?"She aggressively grabbed your hair forcing you to kneel down.

"Or should we call you WHALE?" The other girl ironically spat.

Your tears started to run down, that was the nickname your past classmates gave you. Why they just accuse you like this? You'd never steal anyone.

"Prove it."

You heard an unknown voice coming from your left side.

All of you turned your heads to see, it was him, the hooded guy, coming towards you, removing his headphones.

All of you turned your heads to see, it was him, the hooded guy, coming towards you, removing his headphones

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Your blurred vision didn't let you see his face properly, but he was tall, thin and had beautiful hands.

The girls threw you aside and left the rooftop, running. He stopped right before you, crouching and picking your belongings, placing them inside your bag.

You had no reaction but just look down. He got up and left the rooftop slowly.


You woke up, panting and sweating. Your hand covered your eyes, feeling the tears fall. It was still night.

"Who...." You murmur.

"This dream again..." You sigh, sitting.

"Sometimes I wish I could go back and see his face..." You lay down, turning to the side.

"But all I did was to run from my fears..." You close your eyes taking a deep breath remembering you quit that school after this incident.

You couldn't see his face, but he saved you, and that's what made him so beautiful for you.

THICK GIRL -J.Jungkook 18+Where stories live. Discover now