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"Omg!! Really? And then?" Mia widen her eyes hyped, as you can see on your phone screen.

"He invited me to dinner!" You cover your face with one hand, holding the phone with the other.

"YAH!! YOU'RE GOING! DON'T YOU DARE!" She gets up pointing her index finger to you.

"Mia...I have no clothes.." you get sad.

"Get up early tomorrow and go buy!" She sits back biting her fingers anxiously.

"They don't fi...yeah, I will." You fake your smile.

"Mia, I gotta go, I'm so tired and it's so late!" You yawn.

"Yes yes, take care okay? I'm worried about your hand." She frowns.

"I'll be fine! Byeeeee" you wave a kiss and shut.

Honestly you were sad, because you know he was just trying to be nice. And obviously you wouldn't find clothes, it's really difficult to find a store that has your size and they all judge so much, pass you all kinds of diet and say you have such beautiful face, but you should lose weight. You don't want this.


"Ms. Anne, I'm calling for two reasons. One, I won't be able to work today, and seems like for the rest of the 30 days..." you sound disappointed.

"What happened honey?" She seems worried.

You explain everything and tell her you'll soon take the hospital papers.

"And the other thing is..." you take a brief pause, feeling insecure.

"What is it?" She insists.

"Do you know someone that I could borrow clothes? I have a dinner tonight..." you bite your lower lip nervous.

"A date?I told you would find someone special!" She laughs.

"Noooo, it's not like this..." you chuckle.

"Yeah yeah..."she teases.
"About the clothes, what you need?"

"Maybe a dress? Black?" You get confused.

"Black tube dress. Hmmm classic!I like!" She hypes.

"I'll send you, my son will leave at your apartment!" She hangs.


"Thank you so much!" You bow to Ms. Anne's son.

"Not at all, my mom really likes you, she sent someone to buy it right away!" He smiles delivering a off white rectangular box, with a black ribbon wrapped around it.

"She....bought?" You murmur.

"I gotta go now, enjoy your dinner!" He bows, going back to his fancy car.

"T-thank you.." you bow, intrigued with the box.


"I don't know if I can do it..." you look yourself on the mirror.

The dress was tight around your body, but was a perfect fit. It embraced your curves, making them even more in evidence. It was reaching your knees and had a big slit that shows basically your whole left thigh. The sleeves are long, covering your whole arms.

THICK GIRL -J.Jungkook 18+Where stories live. Discover now