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Back to School days.

Jungkook P.O.V

When the class finished, I rushed around the school to find her. She wasn't there. She didn't come to the class also.

I wandered around the whole building in hope to meet her again, but I guess she just went home. That's when I decided to go back to the rooftop where I can have some peace.

Honestly, I still had some hope she would be there or go there at some point.

But, the only thing I found was some papers she didn't pick and her schooler ID which had no picture. More like someone took it away.


End of P.O.V

Jungkook let go of your waist and placed his hands over your shoulder.

"You can count on me. Forever." He smiled.

"Jungkook...." you hesitantly murmur.

"Hm?" He caresses your shoulders.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" You didn't dare to look at him.

Your cheeks were burning red, you just asked him to sleep over and you could swear he can sense your nervousness.

He let go of you, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. He blushed.

"I guess it's okay" he quickly changed his expressions and pretended he didn't blush at all.

"Since it's late...I'm gonna...lay...there..." he pointed the couch.

You got speechless and confused, why the couch now?

"You...won't  come to bed?" You asked him leaning on the bedroom door frame.

"I..." he sat and started to get up.

"No the couch is fine!" He awkwardly lay down forcing a smile.

You frowned confused and scratched the back of your head.

Really Jungkook? REALLY?. - you though and sighed disappointed.


You couldn't sleep, knowing he was just some few steps away got your heart beating fast. That feverish feeling between your legs started to intensify.

It was about 3 a.m when you couldn't control your actions and went to check on him.

He was sleeping shirtless, lips slightly parted and a careless expression.

You stayed there like a stalker watching his sleep. The truth is that you wanted to jump over him and end this torture but since he was sleeping so sweet, you gave up and turned back.

Accidentally you hit your feed on his backpack and caused some noise.

"Y/N?" His sleepy and husky voice stopped you.

"Are you okay? You need something?" He slowly sat on the couch, ready to get up.

You, only dressing a long shirt and panties stayed petrified.

"I'm okay, I...I was just taking some water to my room..." your heart was beating so fast.

"Hum?" He gets up.

"Why are you not looking at me?" He reaches you and touch your arm.

"Oh it's nothing, I was just going to bed.. "You awkwardly smile to him but turn away again.

"You...blushing?" He smikrs and pull you against him.

"I...it's...a.." you try to avoid his gaze.

However, Jungkook caged you between his body, arms and the wall beside your bedroom door.

"Where's the water?" He teases you as he sees your empty hands.

"Oh...the water...You see I forgot.. over the  counter...probably...no?" You try your best, but you're awful to make excuses.

"Oh...of course." He leans close to your ear.

"Why so breathless, baby?" He whispers.

"Am I? Haha...ha" You shiver completely with his whisper.

"Aren't you too excited?" He places one of his legs between yours, touching your core with it.

"I couldn't sleep..needed water. " your voice fails you.

"Water you say..." he chuckle low.

"I'd say you need something else..." he kiss your neck.

"Like?" You gulp nervously.

"A goodnight sex..." he bites your neck gently and you melt to his touch completely.

Jungkook kisses you naughty, his hands grab your buttcheeks and you throw your arms around his neck, inviting him.

"Come here.." he murmurs between the hungrily kiss while pushes you gently inside your room.

One hand supports the back of your head and the other sneaks inside your shirt. You coil a little with his surprisingly gentle touch over your nipple and he smirks.

Your legs touch the bed and your balance fails you, causing you to fall and bring him with you.

Jungkook use his hands to support his body so he wouldn't hurt or weight over you. Each of his hands now beside your head.

He looks down, his gaze was dripping lust. You grab his face and connect your lips, you've never been so sure of what you wanted in life.

Between the passionate and eager kiss, you can hear some vibrating sound from far. It catches both of your attention.

You look up and it was your phone, someone was calling.
Jungkook try to distract you by kissing your cleavage but something about that call was bothering you.

You pick up.

"Y/N.. Y/N!" A male's voice that seems desperate could be heard.

Junfkook stops to listen, praying it would end fast.

"Y/N, WHERE'S MIA??? WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?"The man shouted.

"What?I don't know! She left today's noon!" Your whole body gets cold. The adrenaline flows all over you. Something's wrong.

"SHE DISAPPEARED!" He starts to cry.

"No! She's just probabl-" you were cut by his trembling voice.

"She left a note...she said she would disappear.." he cries.

The drama.

Apparently Mia doesn't need to be present to be a ...
Continue the sentence 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

THICK GIRL -J.Jungkook 18+Where stories live. Discover now