My 4 AUs came back and more!

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Hiya!It's Me again!Sophie and Lauren's Here!How y'all doing?Sorry if you don't feel great *smiles*
Mind: And Sophia,I swear if you read another smut and If you swearing another time,I will let you tell to your parents you swear and read some smuts...
Hey hey!Let's just be ca-
Lauren: Ok Time out!Can we stop talking right now?!Where about to explain Your 4 AUs from TheCrew&Friends!!!Hello?!?!?!
Oh Um ok *Coughs*

Hey hey!Let's just be ca-Lauren: Ok Time out!Can we stop talking right now?!Where about to explain Your 4 AUs from TheCrew&Friends!!!Hello?!?!?!Oh Um ok *Coughs*

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Up to Down:Name: ThunderLightReal Name: Antdengboom Nickname: ThunderyName: FireWingsReal name: AntdengfuuboomNickname: ExplosiveName: PurpleSpark Real Name: AntdengTofuuBoomdigerNickname: NamelessName: Sparkling LightReal Name: AntdengfuuBoomdige...

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Up to Down:
Name: ThunderLight
Real Name: Antdengboom
Nickname: Thundery
Name: FireWings
Real name: Antdengfuuboom
Nickname: Explosive
Name: PurpleSpark
Real Name: AntdengTofuuBoomdiger
Nickname: Nameless
Name: Sparkling Light
Real Name: AntdengfuuBoomdiger-KitKatMouse
Nickname: Sporky
Actually The ones who doesn't know my AUs I'll explain to you.They are my oldest AUs from Back 2017...There my OC-AUs from the ship of TheCrew&Friends,They where like my most favorite OCs As I ever created.I Haven't use them for like days or Months away,Maybe because I got a lot of busy stuffs or you might already know,Actually They where the OCs I've Love so long...And now they comeback with there new style of looks...You might be asking what happened to them..,
Thunderlight got scratch on his eye by a animal.
FireWings other eye was Hurted by an Ice Dragon.
PurpleSpark always got bullied by someone,until they hurt him and he has a big scratch on his neck.
SparklingLight was Hurt by a Snow Wolf But he was a nerd before but he loses his glasses,So ya he was blind before but now,not anymore.
Actually I only made them comeback,After all the work,And Merry Advance Christmas Eve!Hope ya all get some presents!Anyway,I used to like abandoned them,Just like ThePonyFIMmakers...But I'm surely There Group Name Are "The Awesome Group"...I Did forgot them,But I Remembered now...Actually They where my Favorite before,But I know I have changed a lot...You See I prefer To say That I didn't use them,for all the hard work...But here's Thw Official names of there group:
Sparkling Light
Pink Spark
Green Diamond
Thunder Wings
Fire Explosive
Shining Bright
And Here's There Parents:
ThunderLight: Ant x Seedeng x Noboom
FireWings: ThunderLight x Tofuu
PurpleSpark: FireWings x Poke
Sparkling Light: PurpleSpark x KitKat_MickeyMouse
Pink Spark: Tofuu x Sophia
Green Diamond: Michael x ??? And his has a brother
Thunder Wings: Dylan/Hyper x Preston and his has a brother named Fire Explosive
Shining Bright: Sophia x Iggy
But Now Here's My Newest AUs:
Actually,Thank you for reading this!Anyway,Pls enjoy and vote and comment below!See ya Cupcakes!Bye!
(459 words)

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