Haven't been online many times,lately?

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YEET- I haven't been online!Sorry just got to do stuffs of course,and well tomorrow is the last day of holiday and today is the last day,of playing My IPhone,Great,Sorry for discontinuing some of my books! I just Well,um offline...Actually I don't even know what to make...Actually I'll make this book until 200 parts...Then a Book 3...And also,some of my 2019 books,will be um,months to make,I mean,hard to make a lot of books as well...I keep canceling books...Actually,have to spent times,and do stuffs to do...I have to do some stuffs...and excited for my field trip in my school and Math Contest...You See,I'm a failing grade person,but hasn't given up the time to do so.Im always busy,But sometimes have times to be online...And Now,I think,I might as well changed again.You know,Changed,Like,your going to change yourself again,and I might as well forget the memories,about things that happened at 2018 and I changed and forget my memories,When It's my birthday...and I don't know,But I like the sound of it...Anyway,I've been thinking a lot of lately,to make my YouTube channel good.I don't really want to be famous or anything,at least Im still normal,If I have fans,as well I could give them a good try.But if there haters,I might as well,Get to Savage to pay back them,like there a bitch...those hate comments,and those that can hurt my feelings,and disliking some of my videos,gives me some to um bad...I don't really want to be one who is bad,but I give it a time...I might as well Close Sophia Contest since nobody likes to make me,I know I said I'll be patience,but I couldn't...I might as well um,open a pfp Contest soon,and make some announcements and events...I know there's person who hates me and love me,I've been acting nice so long,and I couldn't just even stop it.But then I gave up so,yeah,I become bad...But I will still be good and bad,if it's the last thing I do...I don't even care,about people's murmurings about me,even they don't care,Even they hurt my feelings inside...I would always stay calm and breath out for a second,I just need some time,to think it off,and stop being bad...I can always hear the thoughts in my head,the thoughts that are like "You're a nerd!" and "why do you have pimples?" And more words the can hurt my feelings...I always do fake smile...I show them that I'm happy,and nothing happened in the outside,but in the inside,I'm sad and depressed...I've been making plans of doing a suicide,But I tried,to stop and stop it,and make a good stuffs at least...But I gave up many times,protecting and risking people's lives,I don't want to see them suffer,I just want them to be fine,I don't want them hurt,I want myself to be hurt,I'm there Secret protective person-in-law,But I never wanted to fight back,I don't want to have hard times and rough times,I never did fight back,only once,I don't even care,whatever they say about me,I tried to be brave and strong,But I couldn't,Because I'm weak and shy and scared...But I still didn't give up,I'll try to make my perfect life live,against the bad things,I will control my problems,I'll never give up,because I'm the person who knows,how here life ends...I don't want to be famous or rich,I just want to be same with famous and not or rich and poor,I don't give a shit of those people's,those that bullied me,and stuffs.I tried my creativity,abilities,and work.Mind and Youtube Mind,helped me so long,And now,I'll never stop what I do for my future that will come.But never worry,because I'm the Angel-Devil girl,who lives in a kind planet,tries to risk and protect and help her life,who've sacrifices a lot,She choose life and death,and never gave up her plans,and words,and never forget,how to save everything...She wants a perfect life,She doesn't want people's to destroy it,If they destroy it,She'll make you punished what you did,never fear her,She'll help your problems...Just believe and trust her,She promised in her heart,she will do everything to save you from danger,but never gives it up...
Anyway Pls enjoy and vote and comment below! See ya Cupcakes! Bye!
(812 words)

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